Page 80 - Supplement to Income Tax TY2021
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         2020 Tax Table

                                                                                  2020 Tax Table — Continued
               If line 15                    If line 15                     If line 15
               (taxable       And you are—   (taxable        And you are—   (taxable       And you are—
               income) is—                   income) is—                    income) is—
               At   But  Single  Married  Married  Head of   At  But  Single  Married  Married  Head of   At  But  Single  Married  Married  Head of
               least  less    filing   filing   a   least  less  filing   filing   a   least  less  filing   filing   a
                    than      jointly *  sepa-  house-  than  jointly *  sepa-  house-  than  jointly *  sepa-  house-
                                   rately  hold                  rately  hold                  rately  hold
                               Your tax is—                  Your tax is—                   Your tax is—
                  93,000                        96,000                         99,000
                93,000  93,050  16,406  12,046  16,406  14,964  96,000  96,050  17,126  12,706  17,126  15,684  99,000  99,050  17,846  13,366  17,846  16,404
                93,050  93,100  16,418  12,057  16,418  14,976  96,050  96,100  17,138  12,717  17,138  15,696  99,050  99,100  17,858  13,377  17,858  16,416
                93,100  93,150  16,430  12,068  16,430  14,988  96,100  96,150  17,150  12,728  17,150  15,708  99,100  99,150  17,870  13,388  17,870  16,428
                93,150  93,200  16,442  12,079  16,442  15,000  96,150  96,200  17,162  12,739  17,162  15,720  99,150  99,200  17,882  13,399  17,882  16,440
                93,200  93,250  16,454  12,090  16,454  15,012  96,200  96,250  17,174  12,750  17,174  15,732  99,200  99,250  17,894  13,410  17,894  16,452
                93,250  93,300  16,466  12,101  16,466  15,024  96,250  96,300  17,186  12,761  17,186  15,744  99,250  99,300  17,906  13,421  17,906  16,464
                93,300  93,350  16,478  12,112  16,478  15,036  96,300  96,350  17,198  12,772  17,198  15,756  99,300  99,350  17,918  13,432  17,918  16,476
                93,350  93,400  16,490  12,123  16,490  15,048  96,350  96,400  17,210  12,783  17,210  15,768  99,350  99,400  17,930  13,443  17,930  16,488
                93,400  93,450  16,502  12,134  16,502  15,060  96,400  96,450  17,222  12,794  17,222  15,780  99,400  99,450  17,942  13,454  17,942  16,500
                93,450  93,500  16,514  12,145  16,514  15,072  96,450  96,500  17,234  12,805  17,234  15,792  99,450  99,500  17,954  13,465  17,954  16,512
                93,500  93,550  16,526  12,156  16,526  15,084  96,500  96,550  17,246  12,816  17,246  15,804  99,500  99,550  17,966  13,476  17,966  16,524
                93,550  93,600  16,538  12,167  16,538  15,096  96,550  96,600  17,258  12,827  17,258  15,816  99,550  99,600  17,978  13,487  17,978  16,536
                93,600  93,650  16,550  12,178  16,550  15,108  96,600  96,650  17,270  12,838  17,270  15,828  99,600  99,650  17,990  13,498  17,990  16,548
                93,650  93,700  16,562  12,189  16,562  15,120  96,650  96,700  17,282  12,849  17,282  15,840  99,650  99,700  18,002  13,509  18,002  16,560
                93,700  93,750  16,574  12,200  16,574  15,132  96,700  96,750  17,294  12,860  17,294  15,852  99,700  99,750  18,014  13,520  18,014  16,572
                93,750  93,800  16,586  12,211  16,586  15,144  96,750  96,800  17,306  12,871  17,306  15,864  99,750  99,800  18,026  13,531  18,026  16,584
                93,800  93,850  16,598  12,222  16,598  15,156  96,800  96,850  17,318  12,882  17,318  15,876  99,800  99,850  18,038  13,542  18,038  16,596
                93,850  93,900  16,610  12,233  16,610  15,168  96,850  96,900  17,330  12,893  17,330  15,888  99,850  99,900  18,050  13,553  18,050  16,608
                93,900  93,950  16,622  12,244  16,622  15,180  96,900  96,950  17,342  12,904  17,342  15,900  99,900  99,950  18,062  13,564  18,062  16,620
                93,950  94,000  16,634  12,255  16,634  15,192  96,950  97,000  17,354  12,915  17,354  15,912  99,950 100,000  18,074  13,575  18,074  16,632
                  94,000                        97,000
                94,000  94,050  16,646  12,266  16,646  15,204  97,000  97,050  17,366  12,926  17,366  15,924  $100,000
                94,050  94,100  16,658  12,277  16,658  15,216  97,050  97,100  17,378  12,937  17,378  15,936  or over
                94,100  94,150  16,670  12,288  16,670  15,228  97,100  97,150  17,390  12,948  17,390  15,948  use the Tax
                94,150  94,200  16,682  12,299  16,682  15,240  97,150  97,200  17,402  12,959  17,402  15,960  Computation
                94,200  94,250  16,694  12,310  16,694  15,252  97,200  97,250  17,414  12,970  17,414  15,972  Worksheet
                94,250  94,300  16,706  12,321  16,706  15,264  97,250  97,300  17,426  12,981  17,426  15,984
                94,300  94,350  16,718  12,332  16,718  15,276  97,300  97,350  17,438  12,992  17,438  15,996
                94,350  94,400  16,730  12,343  16,730  15,288  97,350  97,400  17,450  13,003  17,450  16,008
                94,400  94,450  16,742  12,354  16,742  15,300  97,400  97,450  17,462  13,014  17,462  16,020
                94,450  94,500  16,754  12,365  16,754  15,312  97,450  97,500  17,474  13,025  17,474  16,032
                94,500  94,550  16,766  12,376  16,766  15,324  97,500  97,550  17,486  13,036  17,486  16,044
                94,550  94,600  16,778  12,387  16,778  15,336  97,550  97,600  17,498  13,047  17,498  16,056
                94,600  94,650  16,790  12,398  16,790  15,348  97,600  97,650  17,510  13,058  17,510  16,068
                94,650  94,700  16,802  12,409  16,802  15,360  97,650  97,700  17,522  13,069  17,522  16,080
                94,700  94,750  16,814  12,420  16,814  15,372  97,700  97,750  17,534  13,080  17,534  16,092
                94,750  94,800  16,826  12,431  16,826  15,384  97,750  97,800  17,546  13,091  17,546  16,104
                94,800  94,850  16,838  12,442  16,838  15,396  97,800  97,850  17,558  13,102  17,558  16,116
                94,850  94,900  16,850  12,453  16,850  15,408  97,850  97,900  17,570  13,113  17,570  16,128
                94,900  94,950  16,862  12,464  16,862  15,420  97,900  97,950  17,582  13,124  17,582  16,140
                94,950  95,000  16,874  12,475  16,874  15,432  97,950  98,000  17,594  13,135  17,594  16,152
                  95,000                        98,000
                95,000  95,050  16,886  12,486  16,886  15,444  98,000  98,050  17,606  13,146  17,606  16,164
                95,050  95,100  16,898  12,497  16,898  15,456  98,050  98,100  17,618  13,157  17,618  16,176
                95,100  95,150  16,910  12,508  16,910  15,468  98,100  98,150  17,630  13,168  17,630  16,188
                95,150  95,200  16,922  12,519  16,922  15,480  98,150  98,200  17,642  13,179  17,642  16,200
                95,200  95,250  16,934  12,530  16,934  15,492  98,200  98,250  17,654  13,190  17,654  16,212
                95,250  95,300  16,946  12,541  16,946  15,504  98,250  98,300  17,666  13,201  17,666  16,224
                95,300  95,350  16,958  12,552  16,958  15,516  98,300  98,350  17,678  13,212  17,678  16,236
                95,350  95,400  16,970  12,563  16,970  15,528  98,350  98,400  17,690  13,223  17,690  16,248
                95,400  95,450  16,982  12,574  16,982  15,540  98,400  98,450  17,702  13,234  17,702  16,260
                95,450  95,500  16,994  12,585  16,994  15,552  98,450  98,500  17,714  13,245  17,714  16,272
                95,500  95,550  17,006  12,596  17,006  15,564  98,500  98,550  17,726  13,256  17,726  16,284
                95,550  95,600  17,018  12,607  17,018  15,576  98,550  98,600  17,738  13,267  17,738  16,296
                95,600  95,650  17,030  12,618  17,030  15,588  98,600  98,650  17,750  13,278  17,750  16,308
                95,650  95,700  17,042  12,629  17,042  15,600  98,650  98,700  17,762  13,289  17,762  16,320
                95,700  95,750  17,054  12,640  17,054  15,612  98,700  98,750  17,774  13,300  17,774  16,332
                95,750  95,800  17,066  12,651  17,066  15,624  98,750  98,800  17,786  13,311  17,786  16,344
                95,800  95,850  17,078  12,662  17,078  15,636  98,800  98,850  17,798  13,322  17,798  16,356
                95,850  95,900  17,090  12,673  17,090  15,648  98,850  98,900  17,810  13,333  17,810  16,368
                95,900  95,950  17,102  12,684  17,102  15,660  98,900  98,950  17,822  13,344  17,822  16,380
                95,950  96,000  17,114  12,695  17,114  15,672  98,950  99,000  17,834  13,355  17,834  16,392
               * This column must also be used by a qualifying widow(er).

         78  |  Supplement to J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2021
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85