Page 113 - Travel Guide
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                                                 Share the Wonder

        Alaska is a  wonderland of glowing blue
      glaciers, towering mountains and some of
      the last untouched wilderness in the United
      States—where the  Aurora Borealis shines
      on many nights like a personal lightshow.
      Natural resources like gold and oil brought
      thousands  to  this  wild  expanse  of  land
      and many stayed to make this place home.
      Alaska, a state larger than Texas, is split into
      6 regions in this guide for those wanting to
      discover its varied riches.
        Wherever you  travel  in  Alaska, you  will
      experience the majestic  power of this
      untamed land.  Most come to Alaska to fish
      its waters  or view wildlife,  but  leave with
      profound appreciation of the history and
      culture of the unique 49  State.

                                           Brooks Range in the northern part of the state,  the   Chicken
               GATEWAY TO ALASKA           Alaska  Highway  gradually  descends  alongside  the   Location: On Taylor Highway 5, approximately
                   ALASKA HWY              Tanana River toward Fairbanks.         66 miles north of the  Alaska Highway from
           ENTER ALASKA VIA ALASKA HWY       The Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center,   Tetlin Junction, 108 miles southwest of Dawson
               FROM YUKON, CANADA          located about 4 miles from Border City at milepost   City via Top of the World Highway. Population
                                           1229,  offers  high  quality  interpretive  displays  on   30 - 50 (summer), 15 (winter).
                                           a variety  of  Alaskan habitats  within  the  National
                                           Wildlife  Refuge  System.  The  Tetlin  Refuge  covers   Exploring the Quirky Charms of Chicken, Alaska
                                           an area of 924,000 acres north of Wrangell-St. Elias   Prior  to  the  1896  Klondike  Gold  Rush,  when
                                           National Park encompassing broad flat river basins,   tens  of  thousands  of  people  made  their  way  to
                                           rolling hills, extensive marsh and lake complexes, the   the Klondike River outside of Dawson City, there
                                           foothill areas of the Nutzotin and Mentasta Mountain   was an outpost of about 700 miners. On a river
                                           Ranges and the two major glacial  river systems   110 miles from Dawson City, these miners spent
                                           forming the Tanana River.            their days extracting gold from the local streams,
                                             The refuge protects one of the highest densities of   long before the stampede to the Klondike. In 1902,
                                           nesting waterfowl in Alaska. As a migration corridor   the U.S. Post Office agreed to the area having mail
                                           the  refuge provides habitat  for 143 nesting  species   delivery, but first they needed a name. The miners
                                           of birds and 47 migrants.  Big game animals include   got together  one evening and decided to name
                                           moose, caribou, Dall sheep, grizzly bear, black bear,   their community “Ptarmigan,” after the abundance
                                           and wolf.  Smaller species include lynx, wolverine,   of those birds in the area. However, they couldn’t
                                           red fox, marten, snowshoe hare, beaver, otter, muskrat   reach a consensus on how to spell the name of the
                                           and mink.                            bird, so after much discussion, they adjourned the
             INTERIOR ALASKA               Northway                             meeting and named the town Chicken instead.
                                                                                  According to the 2020 census,  Chicken,
                                             Location: Seven miles south of the  Alaska   Alaska has a year round  population  of 10,  up
          Home of Fairbanks, a metropolis full   Highway via a side road.       from seven in the 2010 census.  You could be
        of cultural activities, historical wonders,                             forgiven for thinking that there isn’t much to
        and interesting places to visit like the   Northway is within  the  Tetlin National  Wildlife   see or do in Chicken. However, the area boasts
        University of Fairbanks and Pioneer Park.    Refuge.  There are hundreds of small lakes and two   a rich history, beauty, and Alaskan spirit. It was
        Interior Alaska is teeming with hot springs   glacial rivers, the Nabesna and the Chisana, which   the rugged, frontier spirit that built this outpost
        just waiting for a traveler to sink into their   combine to form the Tanana River. Northway is located   originally consisting of a saloon, post office and
        warm, soothing waters.   From tiny towns   along the banks of the Nabesna River, across from the   dining/grocery store, and it is that same frontier
        like Chicken to larger urban areas like   old village that was flooded in the 1940s.   spirit that keeps this quirky community alive with
        Fairbanks, this area has something for                                  gold panning, site-seeing and one raucous musical
                                               TETLIN JCT. ALASKA HYW TO TOK &  festival in July called Chickenstock.
                                                TAYLOR HWY #5 TO CHICKEN, AK      Many people arrive at Chicken after traveling
      Border City                                     AND THE YUKON             the  Top of the  World Highway from Dawson
                                                                                City to Tok. Situated in between the two towns,
        Location: The Alaska Highway, milepost 1225,                            Chicken is a perfect spot to spend a couple of days
        approximately 300 miles from Whitehorse and   Tetlin Junction           before catching the ferry across the Yukon River.
        Fairbanks.                           Location:  Mile 1301 on the Alaska Highway at   Ferries are large enough to hold greyhound buses,
                                             Taylor Highway 5.  Visitor information: Alaska   so there is no problem with RVs. After leaving
        Entering  Alaska’s broad  interior  plateau,  which   Public Lands Information Center-Tok, PO Box   Chicken, the road transitions from paved to hard
      extends from the Wrangell and Alaska Ranges to the   359, Tok, AK 99780; Phone (907) 883-5667.  gravel. The Top of the World Highway is 78 miles
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