Page 157 - Travel Guide
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Since 1964 this globally unique project any threat. This fight mentality means
has been working with these incredible that a lot of work must be done from the
ice-age survivors. Once roaming the time the calves are born in order to keep
tundra with wooly mammoths and the relationship strong. Throughout their
saber-toothed tigers, musk oxen were lives, continued routine effort is required
the ones to survive. With the Musk Ox for this work. Musk oxen are first taught
Farm’s mission rooted in education and to be musk oxen and make room for their
promoting qiviut (incredible under-wool human caregivers on their own terms, as
of the musk ox) as one of the world’s this is not a petting zoo.
warmest and softest fibers, farm staff The qiviut fiber is spun into luxurious
strives to provide the best possible care yarns that are used to create the
to their beloved herd. “It’s not as much warmest and softest garments in the
about what we do as how we do it” says world. Regarded as one of nature’s
farm Director Mark Austin. “Gentle and softest fibers, it’s warm enough to keep
sustainable agriculture doesn’t just a musk ox cozy and secure in the most
serve our ethics as the right way to care challenging conditions that a cold windy
for these stately creatures, but there arctic night can throw their way. The
are many practical benefits as well.” The farm offers gently hand-combed qiviut in
farm enjoys an incredibly healthy herd more colors, garments, patterns, blends,
with remarkably long lives, few vet bills, and yarns available anywhere in their
and an unspoken agreement of working beautiful gift shop. The Musk Ox Farm’s
in harmony between musk oxen and farm Interpretive Guides are all passionate
staff. The animals on the farm are gently educators who will take visitors on a walk
hand-combed each year as their qiviut around the farm introducing them to
naturally sheds in the warming weather different members of the herd, whether
and lengthening days. By the time farm it’s an adorable little calf, proud musk
staff start into the chore of combing ox mama, or a sturdy old bull. Visitors
the underwool of a musk ox, having a will learn about all things musk ox, the
strong relationship and mutual respect farm that cares for them, and the rapidly
is a must. On the tundra, the natural changing ecosystem they inhabit. The
habitat for musk oxen, there is nowhere farm is open year-round, with hours
to hide, and musk oxen will stand up to changing with the daylight and seasons.
of the softest, most splendid garments in the world. opportunity to learn about reindeer and the farm
Visitation, events, and farm goings on can be found history, as well as enjoy close interactions with these
on their website: They can amazing animals.
also be reached by phone at: (907) 745-4151.
Another noteworthy Palmer experience is a visit SPECIAL EVENTS
to The Reindeer Farm, also located right outside of Events in Palmer include craft fairs, farmers’
Palmer. Open year-round, The Reindeer Farm offers markets, and running races. The city hosts the
guided tours from May-August. Other animals on Alaska State Fair in late summer.
the tour include: moose, yak, bison, alpacas and elk. For more information about the farms please
During the summer, they also offer a food truck, a visit:,, and
barista stand, and a kid’s play area. This is a great and