Page 214 - Travel Guide
P. 214
Fishing in Bristol Bay has given me a
community, a family, and a purpose
by Nels Ure •, 907-469-0572
Fishing has always been central to my life. The Pebble Mine was a serious concern
For four decades, my family has harvested for us. So, we joined forces with Bristol
salmon in Bristol Bay. My dad and three Bay Defense Fund—a tribal-led coalition
uncles lead commercial fishing careers, made up of Bristol Bay Tribes, conservation
and I have since followed in their footsteps. groups, and commercial and sport fishers—
I started my family after marrying my wife, to urge the U.S. Environmental Protection
who also grew up commercially fishing in Agency, the Biden Administration, and
Bristol Bay; Along with our daughter, we whoever else would listen to us to do
plan to fish here forever. Fishing in Bristol everything they can to stop this mine from
Bay has given me a community, a family, being built.
and a purpose. This is why I advocate And after years of fighting this mine, the
for the region, the importance of this Environmental Protection Agency finally
pristine ecosystem, and the thousands protected Bristol Bay from the threat of
of sustainable jobs the salmon industry the Pebble Mine—heeding the calls of us
creates. Despite battling waves, lack of fishermen and so many others in the region
sleep, and the physical demands of fishing, and around the world. The agency found
I return to Bristol Bay summer after summer, that this mine posed too big of a risk to
just as the salmon do. Bristol Bay’s waters and the surrounding
I live and fish in Bristol Bay because ecosystem and issued protections that
of my connection to its waters, fishing effectively ended the project.
communities, and my family. Every This is the first fishing season I will ever Kerry Tasker
summer, I see the most incredible sunsets, experience without having to worry about
create lasting memories of working hard the Pebble Mine. I’m looking forward to
with loved ones, and experience a natural focusing solely on fishing, being with my
phenomenon that can’t be put into words. community, and focusing on building a
Nothing compares to this place—I wouldn’t sustainable future that allows Bristol Bay
trade fishing in Bristol Bay for anything. to continue providing the world with wild
But for nearly twenty years, Bristol Bay sockeye salmon.
and its irreplaceable watershed have Bristol Bay is irreplaceable. Its pristine
been threatened by the toxic Pebble waters have supported thousands of
Mine. If built, this massive open pit mine people for generations and provide a
at the headwaters of the Bay would home to wildlife critical to the ecosystem. Nels Ure
have produced billions of tons of waste, No place this special should ever be
threatening the salmon runs that so many threatened by anything like the Pebble
of us rely on to sustain our livelihoods. Mine ever again.
Nels Ure is a Bristol Bay commercial
Kerry Tasker fisherman and the Communications Director
of Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay.