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both contemporary and ancient.  A self-guided tour   See Video              City of Kodiak
      through the adjacent botanical garden is a summer
      must.                                                                       Location:  On the northeast  coast of Kodiak
        Sea kayaking is a great way to get a close-up                             Island; 250 air miles south of Anchorage, one-
      look at spectacular coastline and wildlife. Homer’s   Kodiak Sunrise        hour  flight  with  scheduled  airlines.  Visitors
      Kachemak Bay is one of the best locations in Alaska   photo by:             can fly into Kodiak or take the Alaska Marine
      to paddle and is considered one of the richest and   VC TRAVEL GUIDE        Highway System ferry from Homer or Whittier
      most productive  marine  ecosystems anywhere.  Its                          into Kodiak or Port Lions. Island Population:
      waters  teem with  sea  otters,  sea  lions,  porpoise,                     14,000.  Visitor  Information:  Kodiak Island
      seals, whales, bald eagles, puffins and during May,                         Convention and  Visitors Bureau, 100 Marine
      one of the largest shorebird migrations in Alaska.  Its                     Way Suite 200, Kodiak, AK 99615; Phone (907)
      calm, protected shoreline is dramatic, with jagged                          486-4782; Email:;  Website:
      peaks rising from the water’s edge and many arches                
      and  caves  found  throughout  the bay.  Unlike  most
      kayaking destinations in Alaska, you do not need a                          Kodiak’s lush green mountainous  landscape has
      float plane or a long boat charter to get you out to the                  been  compared  to  Ireland’s, hence  the  nickname
      wildlife, calm waters or secluded areas.                                  Emerald Isle. The oldest community in Alaska was
        Homer is an outdoor enthusiast’s mecca and you                          established on Kodiak by Aleksandr Baranov in 1792
      can find everything you need for your trip in town                        when Russian rule dominated the northern region of
      or on the Homer Spit.  Water taxis will ferry you                         the Pacific Northwest; the oldest Russian Orthodox
      to every corner of the bay.  In May, make sure to                         Church outside of Russia was built here in 1794;
      set aside time for Kachemak Kayak Fest, a popular                         Alaska’s oldest  standing  building  is the  Russian
      paddling celebration complete with kayak classes,                         American Magazin, built in 1808 as a fur warehouse.
      demos, lectures and even a kayak fashion show.  SOUTHWEST ALASKA          The City of Kodiak is the largest seaport in Alaska
        Winter king salmon feed heavily in Kachemak                             with the second largest fishing fleet in the US, while
      Bay and Cook Inlet, then return to Canada and the                         the Island’s waters have been judged to offer the best
      Pacific Northwest to spawn.  They are by far the best   Discovered  in  the  1700s  by  Russian  fur  traders,   sport fishing.
      eating salmon you’ll ever taste, since due to being   Kodiak Island is now a top tourist destination.  View   Whale watching, sightseeing tour and fishing boat
      immature they haven’t lost any of their high fat   the Kodiak brown bear on the ground or from the air   operators offer half and full day charters and remain
      content.  Adventurous anglers looking for a unique   on a flight seeing tour. Private fishing boat charters   busy through the summer months following the
      experience should try winter king salmon and halibut   offer  excellent  saltwater  fishing  from  April  through   migration of several species to the northern waters.
      fishing  trips  out  of  Homer.    Great  fishing  and  the   October  while  commercial  fishing  vessels  work  the   From the largest marine mammals in Kodiak waters,
      beauty of Kachemak Bay and its surrounding peaks   waters all year long.   the baleen whales, to fin, humpback, gray, sei, orca
      transform  a  wintertime  Alaska  fishing  trip  into  a   Covering  nearly  5,000  square  miles,  the  Kodiak   and minke whales, the bays and straits surrounding
      truly awesome experience.            Archipelago  consists  of  16  major  islands  in  the   Kodiak Island provide a natural habitat  to view
        Homer holds their annual  Winter King Salmon   central  Gulf  of  Alaska  at  the  head  of  the  Aleutian   these majestic creatures. Steller sea lions and harbor
      Tournament in March. Anglers from all over Alaska   Island chain. Ancient glaciers and millennia of stormy   seals have their pups in June and make nearby rock
      and other states come to fight for that winning salmon   weather sculpted the islands’ granite core into rugged   formations or harbor docks their platform to bark and
      in  the  one-day  fishing  extravaganza.  The  average   mountains and intricate shoreline. This dynamic land   stand their  ground. Birders delight  in viewing the
      year sees over 900 serious fishermen participating in   is home to an abundance of wildlife. Whales and sea   large diversity of resident and migratory species on
      the event, which offers substantial cash prizes and   otters feed in bays.  Enormous bears roam meadows   land or by water. Captains can customize the boating
      giveaways.                           of waist deep grass and salmon return to nearly every   experience  with a hike on a nearby island, dinner
        Homer is  the  Halibut Fishing Capitol of the   stream.                 cruise, or a photographic expedition.
      World, housing the largest halibut charter boat fleet   At the end of the Aleutian Island chain, Unalaska/  Kodiak attractions include the Alutiiq Museum and
      in Alaska, where experienced old salt captains have   Dutch  Harbor  is  the  departure  point  for  the  crab   Archaeological Repository, where visitors can learn
      been taking fishing enthusiasts out to their favorite   fishing fleet of “Deadliest Catch” fame. Katmai and   about the Island’s 7500-year-old Native heritage.
      fishing  grounds  for  decades.  Most  charter  outfits   Lake  Clark  on  the  mainland  are  wild,  untouched   Also popular, the Kodiak Military History Museum
      do an outstanding job of giving their customers a   preserves  with  the  highest  concentration  of  brown   is located  inside Fort Abercrombie  State Historical
      great experience. Although halibut grow to over 400   bears on Earth.     Park. Originally  known as the  Russian  American
      pounds, fish that weigh between 15 and 40 pounds
      are  the  best  size  to  eat  and  considered  the  fillet
      mignon of fish. It is not unusual for a charter boat to
      bring in several 50 to 100 pounders per boat a day.
      Trophy sport fishing can consist of a 2 to 3 hour-long
      boat ride to the Barrens or Elizabeth Island where the
      big guys seem to be more prevalent.
        Homer’s  Chamber of Commerce sponsors a
      Halibut Derby with large cash prizes each summer
      that can really be the highlight of an Alaska vacation.
        A variety of  modern facilities are available
      in  Homer.  These  include  fine  motel/hotel
      accommodations, nearly 100 B&Bs, car rentals,
      private  and city  campgrounds.  A  variety of
      restaurants cater to every taste and feature the finest
      in fresh seafood. Additional visitor facilities include
      the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies and the Carl
      E. Wynn Nature Center.
        Location: Across the  bay  from  Homer on the
        eastern shore of Cook Inlet. Off the road system,
        so access is by air, Alaska Marine Highway ferry
        and boat; daily flights and ferries available from
        Homer.  Population:  266.  Visitor  Information:

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