Page 243 - Travel Guide
P. 243

Petersburg/Ketchikan, Alaska

      is a renewed interest in the history and   spirit of the totems, inviting you to view   of  strength  and  agility  that  celebrates
      preservation of these magnificent works   the proud heritage of the native clans.  these unsung heroes of the  Alaskan
      of art. There are two totem pole parks just                               wilderness. In the evening enjoy the best
      outside  of  town.  Saxman  Native Village   Walk  the  streets  of  Ketchikan  and   fish  and  chips  at  the  Landing.   The  fish
      lies south of town and Totem Bight is to   take in the gold shops and art galleries.   that graces your plate is halibut that has
      the north. Stroll through lush forested   For  rip  roaring  entertainment  try  The   just been caught that day. It doesn’t get
      paths  that  give  way  to  the  welcoming   Great  Lumberjack  Show,  a  competition   any fresher than that!

                                                                 Salmon Cookout

                          Petersburg Harbor
                                                                                                        Harbor Seals

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