Page 70 - Travel Guide Fly Alaska
P. 70

RISE AND SHINE                                                            boat  consisted  of  just  her  and  the  captain.  “I
                                                                                liked to cook, and he liked to eat.” Her appliance
                                                                                was a small diesel stove, propane hot plate and
      Inside the Delectable Treats of Sweet Tides Bakery & Cafe                 a cooler. Sitting on the deck, they  would eat
                                                                                steak and gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches,
                                                                                which was  a  favorite. A  bonus was  that  every
                                                                                meal came with an incredible ocean view.
                                                                                  A few years later, Shawna was a cook on a
                                                                                tender boat,  which is a large boat that stays
                                                                                put  while  all  the  other  fishing  vessels  offload
                                                                                their catch. Shawna had a much larger galley
                                                                                and  made  sure  that  all  fisherman  who  came
                                                                                to the tender left with cinnamon rolls, cookies
                                                                                or some type of pastry.  The captain  was a
                                                                                traditional meat and potato person, and while
                                                                                Shawna didn’t think she  was that great of a
                                                                                cook, the captain thought she  was the best.
                                                                                “It really inspired my love for cooking to have
                                                                                people tell me my food was good.”
                                                                                  While  killing  time  in  between  fishing  jobs,
                                                                                Shawna visited friends in Wrangell, where she
        You  will smell Sweet  Tides Bakery before   The stars aligned because this unusual space   met her husband and decided not to get on
      you ever see it.  Aromas of sugar, cinnamon   connected to a retail space at the front of the   that  next  fishing  boat.  Putting  down  roots  in
      and freshly baked bread draw customers in   building.  When the retail store moved out,   Wrangell involved baking wedding cakes after
      like  a  force  field  pulling  on  your  senses.  It  is   Shawna converted the entire back portion into   she found out there  was no one in the town
      a  place where  the  coffee  is  fresh,  the  food  is   the kitchen and the front into a cafe.   who could provide a cake for their  wedding.
      homemade, and the service makes you feel like   Shawna  has  always  been  about  feeding   Now, Shawna and her team at Sweet Tides bake
      you are family. Owner Shawna started baking   people. She grew up in  Washington State   breakfast items such as cinnamon rolls, scones,
      sourdough bread out of her home during the   with nine brothers and sisters. Large families   and breakfast burritos. For lunch, you will find
      pandemic, then opened a small counter space   require large amounts of food, so she started   sandwiches  with  homemade  bread,  baked
      with a back alley entrance in March 2022.   baking at a young age. In 2005 a good friend   mac with pulled pork, salmon caesar salad or
      “Customers  literally  had  to  wind  their  way   had  a  commercial  fishing  boat  and  needed  a   halibut curry. And while there is no set menu,
      through a dingy alley to the counter. People   deckhand,  “I  bought  my  crew  license,  bought   customers  can  always  find  warm  chocolate
      always wondered if they were going the right   the gear he told me I needed,  which I didn’t   chip  cookies  at  the  counter.  “I work  best with
      way.”  Directly  behind  the  counter was  the  full   have a clue what it all was, bought a plane ticket   procrastination and I tend to not like recipes
      kitchen where everyone could watch her bake.   and headed to Alaska.” The crew of this 34 foot   because I don’t like being told what to do.” The
                                                                                one thing Shawna never compromises on is the
                                                                                quality and freshness of her food. She makes
                                                                                everything in her cafe from scratch, including
                                                                                the  coffee  syrups,  croutons,  mayonnaise,
                                                                                salad dressings, and of course, all the bagels,
                                                                                sourdough, and hoagies. It is this desire to
                                                                                make her cooking stand out that has customers
                                                                                buying the entire pan of cinnamon rolls as soon
                                                                                as they come out of the oven, and the reason
                                                                                they had to expand their  winter hours  when
                                                                                many businesses reduced for the season. “Each
                                                                                day the alarm goes off at 3:00 a.m. and I think
                                                                                what sounds good today and I let inspiration
                                                                                guide the menu.  The thing that  we pride
                                                                                ourselves on at Sweet Tides is making things
                                                                                from scratch, putting that home in homemade.”

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