Page 37 - Travel Guide Fly Alaska Winter Edition
P. 37

Greatland Adventures  uses  your hotel between 3-5 am.                    tours, and even ones that
        weather technology to forecast         Six  hours from Anchorage is  combine the northern lights
        the best  nights  for  viewing  the city of Fairbanks, which sits  with a spa treatment.  To get
        the skies.  When favorable  at 65 degrees north latitude.  up-to-the-minute                        northern
        conditions  are  present  the  Due to its closer proximity to  lights                information,       visit
        company will transport visitors  the North Pole, the skies over  with their
        in touring vehicles and instruct  Fairbanks take on a life of their  aurora borealis tracker that
        you in the best photography  own and become a canvas  combines  forecast, weather
        practice.      Heated       winter for spectacular light shows.  conditions and time of day to
        shelters are often used to  There are numerous tour  determine the best  viewing
        provide maximum warmth and  companies to chose from that  possibilities across multiple
        comfort. Departures are about  have everything from midnight  locations.
        9-11  pm  with  arrival  back  at  dog sled runs, to photography

                                                                                                    Photo by Jon Kumamoto
                  WINTER EDITION
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