Page 12 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 12

                                                                                  PAXSON & HWY 2 NORTH TO FAIRBANKS

                                                                                Delta Junction
                                                                                  Location: The “End of the Alaska Highway” at
                                                                                  the junction of Richardson Hwy 4 and Alaska
                                                                                  Hwy 2. Population: 958.  Visitor Information
                                                                                  Center: Seasonal mid-May through mid-
                                                                                  September; Phone: (907) 895-5063); Chamber
                                                                                  of Commerce: PO Box 987, Delta Junction, AK
                                                                                  99737; Phone (907) 895-5068;  Website:  www.
                                                                        ; Email: deltacc@deltachamber.

                                                                                The Lodge at Black Rapids
                                                                                    Location: Mile 227.4 on Richardson Hwy
                                                                                       #4; 38 miles south of Delta Junction.

                                                                                    The  Lodge  at  Black  Rapids  is  a  unique Alaskan
                                                                                property that combines accessibility  with unspoiled
                                                                                wilderness in the heart of the Alaska Range.
                                                                                PLEASE SEE AD ON PAGE 134

                                               Giant Santa Claus Stature outside the famous Santa Clause House  North Pole
                                                                   North Pole, Alaska                                                          Location: On Richardson  Hwy  2, 10  miles
                                                                                  southeast of Fairbanks. Population: 2200.
        PO Box 359, Tok, AK 99780; Phone (907) 883-  being ferried to Russia.  It remains a base for summer   The city serves as a hub to approximately
        5667; Website:  firefighters and stock car races.  12,000 people in the surrounding area. North
                                             There are 15 miles of paved bike trails running   Pole Community Chamber of Commerce
        Tok had its beginnings as a camp for the Alaska   parallel to the highways and many nature trails   Visitor Information Cabin located at 2250
      Road Commission during the construction of the   that offer the opportunity to observe local wildlife.   Mistletoe Drive (intersection of Mission Road
      Alcan and Glenn Highways between 1942 and 1946.     Additional recreational opportunities to explore   and  Richardson  Hwy)  is  open  Memorial  Day
      In 1946 Tok was designated a presidential townsite   include  gold  panning,  the  Alaskan  theme  park,   through Labor Day; Phone: (907) 488-2242;
      and in that same year the  Alcan was opened to   miniature golf, salmon bakes and excellent fishing in   Mailing address: PO Box 55071, North Pole, AK
      civilians and a post office and roadhouse were opened   the area’s extensive river and lake systems.  99705; find them on Facebook at
      in  the  community.   The  first  school  was  started  in   The Tok area is known for rainbow trout, arctic   NorthPoleChamber;Website: northpolechamber.
      1947 in a room in the  Alaska Road Commission   grayling, northern pike and burbot. Consider flying   us
      building.                             out with a local air taxi for a real wilderness fishing
        Don’t miss the Mainstreet Visitors Center for more   experience.          This  unique  community  located  in  the  beautiful
      great trip planning tips and information.  Visitors   The entire Upper  Tanana  Valley is important   Tanana Valley is the gateway city to the state’s vast
      are also welcome to join the town’s friendly senior   waterfowl nesting habitat and a main migration   interior. North Pole is just 10 easy miles south of
      citizens at the Tok Community Center for lunch.  corridor for birds each spring and fall.  Trumpeter   Fairbanks on the Richardson Highway and 140 miles
        Milepost 1324 leads to the  Tanacross Native   Swans,  the  “royalty”  of  local  waterfowl,  can  be   south of the Arctic Circle.
      Village and the Tanacross Airport.  The village is the   seen nesting in the ponds near the Alaska Highway   Moderate rainfall, dry air and nearly 22 hours of
      site where the Eagle Trail crossed the Tanana River,   between  Tanacross and Moon Lake.  There is a   daylight on the longest day of the year characterize
      once plied by sternwheelers. The large paved airstrip   handy highway turnout for viwing swans and other   North  Pole  in  the  summer  months.  Frequent Aurora
      was constructed during  WWII to handle aircraft   waterfowl.
                                                                                Borealis displays are seen in the winter. Whatever the
                                                                                season, visitors will find this small and friendly town
                                                                                a delight to visit with a full complement of services,
                                                                                including shopping, dining and many exciting events
                                                                                during the year.
                                                                                  In 1944, the area now known as North Pole
                                                                                was homesteaded by Bon Davis. Later, the Davis
                                                                                homestead was purchased and subdivided by a
                                                                                development company and it was named North Pole
                                                                                in hopes of attracting the toy industry to manufacture
                                                                                articles made in “North Pole.”  While this endeavor
                                                                                failed to blossom, North Pole has continued to grow as
                                                                                the city where the spirit of Christmas lives year round.
                                                                                Streets bear holiday names such as Santa Claus Lane,
                                                                                Snowman Lane, Holiday Road and Kris Kringle Drive.
                                                                                  City street lights are decorated in candy cane
                                                                                motifs and many buildings are painted with Christmas
                                                                                colors and designs.  Santa Claus House, a gift shop
                                                                                and “home” to Santa serves as an official landmark.
                                                                                Live reindeer and Santa himself are available for
                                                                                photographs year-round and each year the community
                                                                                starts the holiday season with candle and tree lighting
                                                                                ceremonies. Letters from Santa Claus bearing the
                                                                                North Pole postmark may be mailed anywhere in the

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