Page 45 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
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cool, clear air, breathtaking scenery and accessible
wilderness. Anchorage’s many top-notch outdoor
facilities are just minutes from first-class downtown
amenities, so it’s easy to explore the area’s pristine
wilderness by day and still be back in your hotel room
or a top-quality restaurant in the evening.
Seasonal activities include wildlife photography,
hiking and climbing, horseback riding, fishing,
hunting, target shooting, boating, rafting, biking,
camping, golfing, tennis, dog sledding, ice skating,
skiing and snowmobiling.
For Nordic skiing enthusiasts, Anchorage is among
the top competitive venues in the world, having
hosted U.S. Olympic trials for cross country and
biathlon competitions. More than 150 parks offer a
variety of trails and open spaces for all types of ski
touring. Within the Municipality of Anchorage there
are three downhill ski areas to accommodate alpine
skiers at any level of proficiency.
Dog sledding has long been synonymous with
Alaska’s colorful history and is the official state
sport. Fur-cloaked trappers and parka-clad Alaska
Natives perched on the runners of birch dogsleds are Moose
the images most frequently envisioned by visitors photo by:
when they think of Alaska. Whether visitors stay on
the sidelines, or jump into the basket of a sled, the
experience is sure to afford them lasting memories blanket toss, Native arts, river ice bowling, the held on the banks of Ship Creek near downtown
and an appreciation for Alaska’s pioneering days of Frostbite foot race and a host of other wacky events. Anchorage. The dates for 2016 are June 10-19, from
adventure and discovery. Anchorage lies in close proximity to several 6am to 11pm, closing at noon the final day with award
Anchorage also offers sports fans the opportunity locations for trophy-class salmon and trout fishing, ceremony following. The derby is a fundraiser for the
to watch some of the highest quality athletic events including the nearby Susitna River drainage. This Downtown Soup Kitchen, with lots of great prizes and
anywhere in the world from the Iditarod Sled Dog area is known worldwide for its tackle-busting king fun for all ages. Visit www.shipcreeksalmonderby.
Race to collegiate volleyball, basketball and hockey. salmon and anglers often return with fish weighing in com.
The Anchorage Fur Rendezvous is North America’s excess of 65 pounds. Anchorage and the surrounding Saltwater fishing for halibut, salmon and ling cod is
largest winter festival and takes place each February. towns offer a wide and flexible range of fly-in outstanding and easily accessible from nearby Homer
Extolling the unique aspects of frontier life, this event fishing options to suit everyone’s budget and fishing on the Kenai Peninsula or Whittier and Seward on
celebrates the camaraderie of the Last Frontier. Two adventure vision. Prince William Sound. Non-resident fishing licenses
weeks of festivities include authentic Native Alaskan The Slam’n Salm’n Derby is a king salmon derby are available from the Department of Fish and Game,