Page 16 - Travel Guide Experience Southeast Alaska Edition
P. 16


        Aristotle once said that “art takes nature   as a wellspring of inspiration for artists across   with the profound mysteries of existence.
      as its model.” That has never been more true   varied disciplines. The landscape’s ever-  “Life is different in Haines,” says Tourism
      than in Haines, said to be the most scenic   changing hues, textures, and forms provide an   Director Rebecca Hylton. “It’s slower paced.
      place in all of Alaska. It is an area with towering   endless array of design and themes. From the   People live with intention here. You re-
      snow-capped mountains that stand watch   majestic sweep of mountains to the delicate   connect with mother nature and yourself.”
      over forested valleys and glacier-fed streams   intricacy of a flower petal, from the drumbeat   For gallery owner Fred Shield of the Wild
      teaming with fish that tumble into salt water   of ancient tribal motifs to frozen crystals that   Iris, Haines has been home since the late
      fjords. A place where even the heavens seem   sparkle like shards of glass, nature offers   1970s. In 1974, Fred waved goodbye to
      to look down and proclaim “it is good”. Haines   artists a symphony of beauty that captivates   corporate America, packed his car with family
      has the usual boundless outdoor activities such   the senses and stirs the imagination. Whether   and belongings and traveled North America
      as fishing, hiking, kayaking and skiing, but it is   through paintbrush strokes on canvas, beaded   for three years, “In Montana, we pointed the
      the  local  artists  that  make  Haines  stand  out   jewelry or sculpted forms in wood, the   car north and headed toward Alaska and have
      from other towns. With more artists per capita   influence of nature infuses Haines’ art with a   been here ever since,” says Shield. When they
      than anywhere else in southeast Alaska, it is   sense of wonder, awe, and harmony, inviting   arrived in Haines, it was as if destiny whispered
      nature in this Alaskan community that serves   viewers to pause, contemplate, and connect   to their heart, “We knew we wanted to

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