Page 9 - Travel Guide Experience Southeast Alaska Edition
P. 9

        Location: Northern terminus of the  Alaska
        Marine  Highway and  southern  end  of
        Klondike Highway 2; approximately 113
        miles south of  Whitehorse. Population: 862.
        Visitor Information: Skagway Convention
        and Visitors Bureau; PO Box 1025, Skagway,
        Alaska 99840; Phone: (907) 983-2854 or
        1-888-762-1898;  Email:  skagwayinfo@; Website:
        For a real taste of Alaska’s exciting gold rush
      past, a visit to Skagway is definitely in order. Cries
      of “Gold in the Yukon” still echo, the sounds of
      barroom pianos and boomtown crowds ring out
      in the night, and the romance of yesteryear can be
      found  on every  street corner.  Sitting at the head
      of the Inside Passage on a spectacular deep water
      fjord, Skagway is the Gateway to the Klondike,
      connecting  the  Marine  Highway  to  the  Klondike
      Highway and the gold country of the north.
        This historic Gold Rush town saw tens of
      thousands of prospectors in search of gold during
      the great Klondike Gold Rush of 1898. They got
      off  steamships  to  head  overland  to  the  Canadian
      gold fields on the White Pass Trail from Skagway
      or the Chilkoot Trail from Dyea. The White Pass &
      Yukon Route Railroad was completed in 1900 to   See Video
      assist Klondike Gold Rush stampeders crossing the
      rugged mountains. Today you can enjoy the “Scenic
      Railway of the World” with an unforgettable tour
      over this famous railroad. The train leaves Skagway
      several times a day from May through September.
        In  this  delightful  community,  situated  near  the
      mouth of the Skagway River among the towering
      peaks of the Coastal Mountains, the glittery legacy   home,  so  it’s  still  possible  to  find  old  pick  axes,   award-winning kitchen-production and organic
      of the Klondike gold rush days lives on, thanks to   wagon wheels, shovels and countless smaller items   flower  garden  supplying  vegetables,  greens  and
      the spirited townspeople and a unique preservation   along the route. Rail service returns hikers to   herbs for their seafood and wild game meat menu.
      program that makes every visit to Skagway a   Skagway from Lake Bennett.    Skagway is famous for its hospitality. You will
      journey back to  Alaska’s gold-tinted past.  The   The Skagway City Museum is located in City   find a large and varied selection of accommodations.
      heart of the downtown area has been designated as   Hall at 7th and Spring, one block west of Broadway,   Reservations are strongly recommended during the
      part of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical   showcasing a treasure trove of Gold Rush artifacts,   busy summer months.
      Park, thereby preserving most of the buildings in   local history, native culture exhibit, historic Haida   How to Get Here By Air
      town as well as the city’s wooden boardwalks,   dugout canoe and an outdoor display featuring an   Juneau is the primary domestic air entry point
      landscape  and  spirit.  Scores  of  original  buildings   original steam locomotive.  for Southeast  Alaska and travelers on the Inside
      lining Broadway have been meticulously restored   The Gold Rush Cemetery, where villains and   Passage. Juneau is served by Alaska Airlines and
      and now  are unique  gift shops and impressive   heroes lie side by side, is about a mile out of   three  local  air  carriers  who  offer  several  flights
      artisan galleries.                   town. Among notable past residents buried in the   daily  between  Juneau  and  Skagway.  Skagway  is
        Bawdy saloons and costumed residents recall the   cemetery are “Soapy” Smith and Frank Reid, the   45  minutes  by  air.  To  combine  the  best  of  flight
      colorful excitement of ’98, when lonely prospectors   local hero who ended Smith’s reign of terror in a   seeing  and  cruising,  consider  flying  to  Skagway
      faced the temptations of eighty saloons, the lure of   shootout on July 8, 1898. See a show depicting this   and returning to Juneau by the state ferry system.
      painted  ladies  and  the  quick  fingers  of  gamblers   story at Goldrush Productions.  An excursion from Juneau can be completed in one
      and  thieves  such  as  Jefferson  “Soapy”  Smith  and   A variety of fine restaurants offer a wide selection   day, thanks to the long summer days. Whitehorse
      his ruthless gang.                   of choice cuisine. Located in the historic Skagway   is also a convenient point of entry for air arrivals.
        With tourism as Skagway’s number one source of   Inn, Olivia’s Bistro Restaurant overlooks their   The scenic route between Whitehorse and Skagway
      income, the townspeople have created an exciting
      variety of activities, and the opportunities awaiting
      travelers are as varied today as they were years ago.
      Travel the Klondike Highway by motor coach or
      tour a gold-mining camp and visit with prospectors
      while panning for gold.  Whatever is found may
      be kept! Skagway hosts endless adventure tours
      with options for ziplining, biking, dog sledding,
      horseback  riding,  helicopter  glacier  tours,  river
      rafting, fishing, ocean rafting, sailing and bus tours
      of all kinds, even into the Yukon Territory.
        For the adventuresome, Skagway serves as
      trailhead  for  a  magnificent  but  arduous  three-to-
      six-day hike on the Chilkoot Trail, the same path
      taken by the Gold Rush prospectors to the Yukon
      Klondike gold fields. Backcountry enthusiasts can
      follow the Chilkoot for a tough 33 miles from the
      Taiya River Bridge over Chilkoot Pass to Lake
      Bennett in British Columbia. Discouraged gold
      miners discarded their supplies as they headed
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