Page 80 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 80
Yukon’s Kluane National Park and Reserve, along
with British Columbia’s Tatshenshini Alsek Provincial
Park and Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias and Glacier
Bay National Parks, form the largest international
protected area in the world. These parklands are
recognized and protected under the UNESCO World
Heritage Convention as an outstanding wilderness of
global significance.
Kluane National Park and Reserve
P.O. Box 5495
Haines Junction, YT, Y0B 1L0
Phone : (867) 634-7207
Fax : (867) 634-7208
Mile 1022
Located at Milepost 1022 on Alaska Highway 1,
services include a restaurant, motel and gas. There
are plenty of trails to hike, bike and photograph.
Mile 1083 Destruction Bay
Location: Milepost 1083 on Alaska Highway
1, approximately 110 km (67 miles) north of
Haines Junction on the shore of Kluane Lake.
This village of about 50 people has its origin
Destruction Bay from the Alaska Highway construction in 1942. It
photo by:
VC Travel Guide was appropriately named Destruction Bay when
the original Camp 1083 was destroyed by a severe
windstorm in that year. Through the years, Destruction
Kluane National Park of plant and wildlife species and provides for a Bay Lodge remained as a busy rest stop, one of
and Reserve of Canada host of outdoor activities. These parklands are the several roughly every 50 miles. The original lodge fed
traditional territories of the Southern Tutchone
weary truckers 24 hours a day, as well as supplying
people. The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations mechanical services and overnight accommodation.
A gem in the family of Parks Canada’s national and the Kluane First Nation continue to carry out their A boat ramp provides access to Kluane Lake,
treasures, Kluane National Park and Reserve of traditional activities such as hunting and trapping in where superb trophy lake trout fishing is available.
Canada covers an area of 21,980 km (8490 miles ). the Kluane region. Other species include whitefish, northern pike, burbot
It is a land of precipitous high mountains, immense and inconnu (shee-fish). Six miles wide and stretching
icefields and lush valleys that yield a diverse array A UNESCO World Heritage Site almost 50 miles in length, Kluane Lake is the Yulon’s
largest and was named by Tutchone natives as Lake
of Big Fish.
Kluane National Park and Reserve is known to
have one of the largest concentrations of Grizzly bears
in North America. Moose, Dall Sheep, wolverines,
fox, coyotes, porcupines, wolves and lynx can also
be seen in the area.
Mileage from Destruction Bay:
Anchorage: 573 miles
Haines Junction: 67 miles
Fairbanks: 493 miles
Whitehorse: 167 miles
Tok: 213 miles
Watson Lake: 481 miles
Beaver Creek: 105 miles
Dawson Creek: 1051 miles
Mile 1093 Burwash Landing
Location: Milepost 1093 on Alaska Highway
1, 130 km (77 miles) northwest of Haines
Junction. Population: approximately 100.
The village of Burwash Landing predates the
Alaska Highway, having been established as
Jacquot Post in 1904 as a result of a gold strike on
Fourth of July Creek. The community has a service
station, store, laundromat, church and nearby hiking