Page 40 - Domestic Smoke Nuisance and Emissions Final_Neat
P. 40
Summary 2: Pressure Systems within Pressure Systems
• Summary
• wind flowing over the top of a chimney can produce a driving pressure, increasing draft
• wind may also create adverse pressures at the top of a chimney because of its direction of flow or turbulence created as it flows over nearby
obstacles, or when the top of the chimney is in a positive pressure zone
• wind pressure induces air flow through leaks in the building envelope
• wind causes pressure changes inside a building which in turn changes the position of the neutral pressure plane
• wind is an unreliable source of draft because it is highly variable and may be driving or adverse to chimney venting
• specialised chimney caps may reduce the effects of adverse winds, but are sometimes used in error as a cure-all for troubled venting systems
• the best defence against wind-induced failure is good system design
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