P. 10

  Yes, please.
                     Thanks. That would be excellent.
                     Yes.

               Declining/ Menolak (Asking for help)

               A: Can you help me to give this present for, James?
               B: I’m afraid I can’t do it.

                     Absolutely not
                     Sorry, I can’t
                     Sorry, I’m busy
                     I’m afraid I can’t do it
                     I am sorry, I can’t help you now
                     Sorry, I am busy right now
                     I wish I could help you but I have to do some important tasks.

               Declining/ Menolak (Offering help)

               A: Can I help you with those boxes?
               B: No, Thanks. I can do it by my self.

                     No, Thanks
                     No, Thank you
                     No, you don’t need to.
                     Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
                     No, thank you.
                     That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
                     That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

               Dialog Asking and Offering Help

               Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang tentang Asking and Offering Help

               Situation: Mrs Laura will prepare for dinner in the kitchen and her son “Jimmy” will help her
               to do something. Let’s find out!
               Situasi: Nyonya Laura akan menyiapkan makan malam di dapur dan putranya “Jimmy” akan
               membantunya melakukan sesuatu. Ayo cari tahu!

               Jimmy: Hi mom…
               Jimmy: Hai bu …

               Mrs Laura: Hi, sweety… have you finished your school homework?
               Nyonya Laura: Hai, Sayang … sudah selesaikah PR sekolahmu?

               Jimmy: Yes, mom. I’ve already done it.
               Jimmy: Ya, ibu. Saya sudah melakukannya.

               Mrs Laura: Good boy… There is your milk in the refrigerator.
               Nyonya Laura: Anak baik … Ada susu kamu di lemari es.
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