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Social Media Assets
APA is sharing infographics on disorders and its Healthy Minds Monthly polls for distribution on social
media. Take a look at what’s available here.
April Course of the Month –
Climate Psychiatry: What Every Psychiatrist Should Know
This course will review pertinent topics at the interface between climate change and mental health, includ-
ing acute and chronic stress disorders after climate disasters, relationships between heat and aggression,
mental health emergencies, and suicide, impacts of air pollution on anxiety, neuropsychiatric developmen-
tal disorders, and dementia, as well as define emerging terms in the field and discuss their clinical impli-
cations, such as “eco-anxiety” and "nature deficit disorder.”
Click here to access the Course of the Month and sign up for updates about this free member benefit.
Registration Now Open
APA is gathering in-person for the first time since 2019, in the birthplace of jazz, New Orleans! Join APA in
-person May 21-25 for the 2022 Annual Meeting, the premier psychiatry event of the year. With more than
300 educational sessions covering 50+ topics, and up to 30 CME, APA’s Annual Meeting is the best place
to connect with colleagues, get the latest in scientific advances, explore new exhibitor products and ser-
vices, and meet your certification and licensure requirements.
This year's in-person program includes:
3 plenary sessions featuring distinguished keynote speakers
300 scientific sessions with live Q&A with presenters
A new Clinical Updates Track featuring renowned experts presenting on the clinical issues within the field
of psychiatry.
Poster Hall with up to 1,000 posters
Why attend the APA Annual Meeting? Hear from this year’s Scientific Program Committee in the SPC
Launch Video.
Royal College International Congress
The American Psychiatric Association proudly supports the International Congress of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists—one of the most prestigious mental health events in the world. This year’s Congress will be
the first in-person Congress in three years and a welcome chance to meet and network with colleagues
Please have a quick browse of the full program to fully appreciate the breadth and strength of what is on
Save the Date: Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K: Run, Walk, or Roll on July 9th
Save the date and get involved as we work to address mental health inequities facing young people of col-
or, while honoring mental health advocate Bebe Moore Campbell. Participate in the 5K in Washington, D.C
on Saturday, July 9, 2022, when APA will host an in-person 5K run, walk, and roll at Anacostia Park, or join
us virtually! More information is coming soon.
Advocate/Protégé Program (part of Leadership, Equity, and Diversity Institute)
the Advocate/Protégée Program of the LEAD Institute aims to refine APA/APAF SAMHSA Fellows' leader-
ship skills by pairing them with APA leaders who share similar interests and will help foster professional
growth and career development. Hallmarks of the program include: networking; technical and profession-
al skill development; exposure to leadership experience; and first-in-line consideration to be advocated for
opportunities to become APA leaders. Leaders within APA are a key part of the Fellows’ experience and are
Continued on page 25