Page 44 - Foltz Trucking Driver Handbook
P. 44
sensor re-aligned. In situations
A pre-Installed camera unit and radar sensor provide the system the ablllty to track objectS, Including automobiles, in front of the vehlcle. This camera Is installed on the front wlndshleld at a predetermined location. The radar sensor Is localed In the mlddle of the front bumper.
The system camera and radar sensor ere pre-aligned at the factory and no adjustment is required. If the components become misaligned (or any other system problem Is detected) a message in the Driver lnformallon Display (DID) lets the driver know that service Is needed. Take the vehlcle to the nearest certified technician as soon as possible.
The VADA system Is fully integrated into the vehicle dashboard so that a separate status/display box is not regulred. All visual text and audible Indications and waml.;gs come directly from the vehicle's Instrument cluster and DID. The volume level or 1he alerts Is adjustable, but
where the sensor Is misaflgned 1he "VADA sensor mlsalignmenr or "VADA sensor fault" DID screen displays. Also a warning telltale displays In the instrument cluster.
Automatic Traction Control (ATC) and lhe Anti-lock Braking System (ABS).
1 RadarSensor
Once the cruise control speed Is "set.• a green •cruise• icon llfumlnates in Driver lnfonnalion Display (DID).
The •set" speed displays beside the cruise control icon.
For addttlonal lnfomlalkm on operating the cruise control, refer to the Cruise Control section.
VAa4(VolvoAdi..,DriverAssisi)Crvi5e CcntrrilFol/owingDistancek:oo
:l Cru/GaCoo/rolICOn
3 CIWS8 Conlro/$elSpeed/cor,
The vehicle automatically manages foundation braking priorities among the various vehicle systems that use lhe foundation braless, such as Volvo Advanced Driver Assist NADA},
cannot be switched off.
After an event where the foundalion brakes are applied, nonnal cruise will automatically be canceled. The driver must ae11vate •resume• or •set• in order
for the vehicle lo throllle up.
Operating System CD NOTE
For addi11onal Information on operating the cruise control, refer to the Cruise Control section.
foundation brakes. Verify the system IS disengaged by observing that the green "croise"or·set·IconIsnolonger mumlnated. To regain normal cruise functionality and to reengage the system, •resume• or "set" the Cfufse control.
Engaging the cruise control also activates
the VADA system followlng dlslanoe time
N 11172<11
The auJse co ntrol automatically cancels
whenever lhe VAfJA eppries 1he