Page 45 - Foltz Trucking Driver Handbook
P. 45

 J ccntrolOnlOffBuUon
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3 TcggtslScrollUp{Dalt'n/EnlsrBu/lon
4 cniJsll Co(1(JfJ(Canci111Resume&Jtton
There are lhree warning levels for the VADA:
Yellow: The vehicle In front ls loo close lo follow safely. The driVer needs to intervene and resume a
Green: The vehide In front Is a1 a safefollowlng distance. No visual or audible alert is produC8d.
safe following dislance.
Red: The v ehicle In front is too close to follOW safely. The driver needs lo Intervene lmmedlalely lo avoid a collision.
As mentioned, lh8 cruise oontrol automatlcaUy cancels whenever the system applles lhe foundation brakes. Verify that the system Is dlsengaged by observingthegreen·cruise"or"set"icon changes to white. To, regaln nonnal cruise functionaflty and lo re-engage the system resume or set cruise comrClf.
   N 1lln01
Operating Results
and action to expect are In the table.
    SV&tem Alert
The "Target Detected Icon• Ulumlnates.
The system alerts the driver wilh lhe Following
Distance Alert (FDA):
A slow/moderate sound emits.
Svstem Reaction
The system maintains the set speed and following distance.
The vehicle slows due to Qn order):
1 Reducing throttle,
2 Engaging the engine retarder, or
3 Applying the foundation brakes.
Note: If the roundation brakes are applied, Ille system cancels after lhe event; Re-engage the cruise control.
The vehicle Is de-throttled, the engrne retarder
!mQ8.ged and the foundatron brakes applied.
The system cancels after the event; R9-410gage the
cruise control.
Vehicle maintains "$8r speed.
Vehlde maintains •set" speed.
 A vehicle ls present (In range)
 ahead of vou.
The vehicle ahead slows
N 197201
The Ytlhlcle ahead slows rapidly.
Tlle FolJowlng Distance Alert (fast beeplng) Is given,
 With cruise se but no vehicle
are further away than 152 m (500
followed by the Impact Alert (continuous modulaling
tone), and a text message appoors on the dash
No alert sounds.
Avehiclecutinfrontof!lietruck •If,thevehldecutsinfrontoftruckatadistanceof6 andspeeds away. m (20 ft) or less, a fast beeping warning Is given. The warning emits until the vehicle ahead Is beyond the 6
 ahead detected (vehicles ahead
 m (20 fl) range.
• If the vehlcle cuts In front further than 6 m (20 ft)
awav, no warning Is iilven.
A v ehicle cuts in front of the truck The system alerts using the Following Distance Alert
The system reduces the throttle and retards 1he
 within range of the sensor and {fast beeping) and dash warnings. Depending on
engine; The fovndalion brakes can also engage.
slows down. how rapidly the vehicle ahead slows, the system can initiate an Impact Alert.
The following chart illustrates what to expect from VADA in various driving situations you can encounter. Both the system Indication

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