Page 2 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 2

Chayei Adam - K’lal 138 - The Laws of Selichos and Erev Rosh Hashana

              ]1[    Out of Hashem’s great love  for His nation, He did us a tremendous favor
              by  commanding   us  to  repent  any  time  we  sin.  Although  teshuva  is  good
              anytime,  the month of Elul is an especially opportune time  for one’s teshuva to
              be accepted, more so than any other time of the year. This is because it has been
              an auspicious time ever since we became a nation: When the Jewish people built
              a golden calf [Moshe came down] and shattered the luchos on the 17th of Tamuz.
              After this, he went back up the mountain and prayed [for our forgiveness] and
              Hashem told him  to hew out new stones  as He was willing to give a second set
              of luchos.  Then, Moshe ascended the mountain again on Rosh Chodesh Elul and
              stayed  there  until  Yom  Kippur  when  [the  Jews]  achieved  atonement.  The  Tana
              D’vei Eliyahu writes that throughout the entire time the Jews fasted and the last
              day, which was the tenth of Tishrei, they decreed a full fast beginning the night
              before. It was for this reason that that day - Yom Kippur - was established as the
              day of atonement forever.  Ever since, these times have been one when we find
              favor in Hashem’s eyes and awaken His mercy.  Since, when Moshe ascended the

                                                        םדו רשב
              1.     See the opening paragraph of Shaarei   which  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  work.
              Teshuva, Shaar 1, where he writes that ‘One of   (Readers  are  referred  to  the  Rabeinu  Yonah’s
              the  great  favors  Hashem  has  done  with  His   work, Shaarei Teshuva, and Hilchos Teshuva in
              Creation is that he prepared a path that allows   the  Rambam’s  Yad  Hachazaka  as  classic
              them to rise  up from their lowly actions, flee   starting points.)
              from  them…  to  return  to  Him  when  they  sin.
              The  idea  of  teshuva  is  novel;  sin  not  only   2.   The  Torah  expresses  this  in  several
              affects  the  soul,  but  impacts  the  entire   places.  See  for  example  Devarim  4:30  and
              world.    Really,  such  damage  should  be   30:2.    The  nevi’im  are  also  filled  with  words
              irreversible.  Yet,  Hashem  in  His  tremendous   urging us to repent.  Teshuva is accomplished
              love  and  mercy  for  His  people  created  the   when  one  abandons  his  wrongful  conduct
              ability  to  return  to  Him,  not  only  erasing  sin   deciding never to repeat his actions or fondly
              and  the  ensuing  consequences,  but  under                            ב
              certain circumstances,   teshuva can transform   recall them ever again. Ideally,  this should be
              our  failings  and  shortcomings  into  positive   when  circumstances  would  still  allow  for  him
              accomplishments.  Full  volumes  have  been   to repeat his actions - i.e. that his desires and
              written  about  teshuva  from  both  a  legal  and   physical strength still remain (Rambam Hilchos
              philosophical  perspective,  the  discussion  of   Teshuva 2:1-2)

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