P. 120

112   Removable  Orthodontic Appliances

               10 minutes in a hypochlorite solution. It should   made. The  clinician  needs  to  have  confidence
               be indicated to the laboratory that this has been   in the technician and to know that wirework is
               carried out.                           constructed  with the minimum of bending and
                                                      that soldered joints have  not been  annealed.
                                                       When  impressions  must  be  posted  to  the
               The laboratory                         laboratory  it  is  important  that  these  are  kept
                                                      damp  in  sealed  polythene  bags  and  that  they
               Ideally, the laboratory should be close at hand   are well padded  and packed to avoid distortion
               to  the  surgery  so that there  is regular contact   and damage during transit.  If an impression for
               between  the  two  and  misunderstandings  are  a work model is likely to be subjected to delay
               minimized.  Where  this  is  impossible  it  is  still  it  may  be  more  sensible  to  cast  and  post  the
               sensible  to  try  to  build  a  good  relationship  model itself.
               with the laboratory so that praise can be  given  The  laboratory  should  return  the  work
               and  constructive  suggestions  may  be  tactfully  model  with  the  appliance  so  that  it  may  be
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