P. 129
122 Index
Canines, Double cantilever spring, 20
appliance design for retraction, 68
assessment of anchorage during retraction Elastics, 28
of, 96 Elgiloy, 16
lower, En masse appliance, 74
retraction of by springs, 59, 62 Enamel stripping, 60
mesio-distal tipping of, 5 Eruption guidance, 2
retraction and anchorage, 42, 96 Expansion,
retraction of, 10, 50, 70 appliance for lateral arch expansion, 55,
retraction forces on, 16 82
retraction of using elastics, 28 of upper arch, 55
occlusal movement of, 53 Extended labial bow, 26
Cantilever spring, 119 Extractions,
Capillary blood pressure, tissue changes choice of in Class II malocclusions, 65
during tooth movement and, 11 enforced, 109
Centre-line shift, 109 in Class III malocclusion, 81
Centre-line discrepancy correction, 49 of upper second molars, 73
Chairside management, 86 Extraoral anchorage, 43, 70
Adams', 30, 32 Facebow, 43
ball-ended, 33 en-masse appliance, 44
construction of, 113, 114 Finger spring, 19
Jackson, 32 Fitted labial bow, 33
recurved, 33 Fitting,
Southend, 33 adjustments to acrylic, 91,101
Class I malocclusions, 47 anterior bite plane adjustment, 37, 38
lower removable appliances for, 57 clasp adjustment, 89
Class II malocclusions, 63 correct insertion and removal, 92
aims of treatment, 65 demonstration to patient, 91
Class II division, 2, 76 initial, 37
Class III malocclusion, 77 of facebow, 45
aims of treatment, 81 patient instruction for, 46
appliance design for, 82 Forces,
retention after treatment, 85 for retraction, 16
Coffin springs, 21 headgear and, 45
Coil spring, Bauschinger effect, 15 on active components, 16
Compliance, 94, 97 used in tooth movement, 13
Construction of appliances, 112 Fracture of wires, 15
Contraction, appliance for, 56
Correx spring gauge, 97 Hawley retainer, 103
Crossbites, Headgear, 43, 44
choice of appliance for, 7 High labial bow with apron spring, 24
in Class III malocclusion, 78, 79
posterior, 48 Impressions, 93,112
Crowding, Incisors,
choice of appliance for, 7 angulation of, 78
in Class II malocclusions, 65 appliance to retract individual, 72
space maintenance in, 47 proclination of instanding, 83
retraction of using elastics, 29
Derotation, 56 appliance for derotation of, 56
Design of appliances. 111 appliance for retraction of, 71, 72
anchorage considerations in, 41 appliance to open space for 1|l, 49
of baseplate, 35 missing, 107
Digit sucking, 64 movement in the Hue of the arch, 49