P. 19

Biomechanics  of  tooth  movement  11
                  lion  of  a  tooth  can  only  be  undertaken  with  a  osteoclasts  are  recruited  to  cause  bone  resorp-
                  couple. With an upper central incisor, it  may be   tion  in  the  area  of  pressure.  The  stimulus  for
                  possible  to  correct  a  rotation  with  a  couple  the  recruitment  and  activation  of osteoclasts  is
                  between a labial  bow and a palatal spring at the   thought  to  arise  from  the  mechanical  perturba-
                  baseplate,  but  this  requires  careful  manage-  tion  of the  osteoblast  which  then  signals  to  the
                  ment.                                  osteoclast to  increase  its activity. The  vascular-
                                                         ity is an important aspect of these changes since
                                                         osteoclasts  are  thought  to  form  by  fusion  of
                  Tissue changes during tooth            circulating  monocytes.  A  patent  and  intact
                  movement                               blood vessel  is therefore needed adjacent to the
                                                         site  of  resorption  since  this  is  where  the  bone
                  As  a  result  of  the  initial  tooth  movement  resorbing cells are  recruited.  Within  a  few days
                  described  above,  areas  of  compression  and  active  resorption  progresses  so  that  the  osteo-
                  tension  are  set  up  within  the  periodontal  liga-  clasts  come  to  lie  in  shallow  depressions
                  ment.  The  distribution  of  these  areas  depends  (Howship's lacunae)  on  the  bone  surface.
                  on the nature  of the  initial  tooth  movement.  If  The  integrity  of  the  periodontal  ligament  is
                  the  tooth  lips,  the  pressure  varies  along  the  maintained  by  the  turnover  of  periodontal
                  root,  being  greatest  at  the  alveolar  crest  and  fibres.  Fibroblasts  are  responsible  for  the
                  apex.  It  should  be  remembered  that  the  pres-  formation  of  collagen  and  the  ligament
                  sure  at any level will vary with the width of the   comprises 80%  type  I collagen and a significant
                  periodontal  ligament  and  around  the  circum-  level (15-20%) of type III collagen. The break-
                  ference  of  the  root.  With  bodily  tooth  move-  down  of these  coUagens  is through  a  family  of
                  ment,  which  is  not  possible  with  simple  enzymes  called  the  matrix  metalloproteinases
                  removable  appliances, the distribution of pres-  (MMPs)  and  their  activity  is  balanced  by  the
                  sure is more uniform  along the root length, but   natural inhibitors of MMPs, the so-called tissue
                  still varies around the circumference. The more   inhibitors  of  metalloproteinases  (TIMPS).
                  uniform  distribution  of  pressure  with  bodily  Eventually,  direct  surface  resorption  gradually
                  tooth  movements  means  that  for  a  given  force  remodels  the  socket  wall  and  allows  the  tooth
                  applied  to  the  crown  of  a  tooth,  the  maximal  to move.
                  pressure  (and  tension),  within  the  periodontal  The  tissue  changes  are  not  confined  to  the
                  ligament  will  be  less  than  with  tipping  move-  periodontal  ligament  and  socket  wall:  within
                  ments.                                 the  canellous  spaces  of the  bone,  remodelling
                    In  response  to  these  changes  in  pressure  changes  occur  and  on  the  external  alveolar
                  induced  in  the  periodontal  ligament,  tissue  surface  periosteal  appositon  of bone  maintains
                  changes take  place.  The  nature  of the  changes  the  thickness  of  the  alveolar  process  (Figure
                  depends on whether the area in question is one   2.7).
                  of  compression  or  tension  and  whether  capil-
                  lary blood pressure  is exceeded  locally.
                                                         Where capillary blood pressure is locally
                  Areas  of  compression                 The  capillaries  are  occluded,  cells  in  the  peri-
                                                         odontal ligament die and on a histological level,
                                                         the  area  becomes  structureless  or  'hyalinized'.
                  Where capillary blood pressure is not   The  hyaline  material  is  merely  compressed
                                                         collagenous  tissue.  Bone  resorption  depends
                  In this case there may be local changes in blood   both  on  a  blood  supply  and  on  a  cellular
                  flow,  but  the  capillaries  remain  patent.  An  response.  Neither of these  is present  in  hyalin-
                  increase  in  cellular  proliferation  takes  place,  ized  areas  and  so  direct  surface  resorption  of
                  both  in  the  fibroblasts  of the  periodontal  liga-  bone  is not  possible. The areas of hyalinization
                  ment  and  among  the  osteonrngenitor  cells,  are  often  quite  localized.  Deep  to  these  areas
                  which line the socket. The stimulus for prolifer-  (within  the  cancellous  spaces  of  the  alveolar
                  ation  of the  osteoprogenitor  cells,  which  even-  bone) and peripherally (in surrounding areas of
                  tually  results  in  increased  bone  formation,  is  the  periodontal  ligament  which  are
                  seen on the tension  side.  On the  pressure  side,  compressed,  but  not  hyalinized),  osteoclastic
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