P. 61

Class I malocclusions  53
                                                        as  a  button  or  a short  length  of stainless  steel
                                                        wire bent into a hook. The patient must be able
                                                        to engage  the buccal spring onto the  hook.  An
                                                        alternative  approach  is  to  use  a  latex  elastic
                                                        which  engages  the  hook  on  the  canine  and  is
                                                        supported by a buccal arm with a fish tail which
                                                        controls the direction  of the  elastic  force.

                 Figure 7.7  A buccal spring (0.7 mm) to move a   Bucco-palatal  movements
                 canine  occlusally. The spring engages a  hook bonded
                 onto the  buccal  surface  of the canine.
                                                        Buccal movement
                                                        A canine may erupt in a palatal position due  to
                                                        a  slightly  abnormal  path  of  eruption  or  a
                 An  appliance to move a  canine occlusally  premolar  may  be  palatally  deflected  due  to
                 (Figure 7.7)
                                                        crowding.  Before  attempting  to  align  the
                 Active  component                      displaced tooth, space  may have  to  be created.
                 A buccal spring 0.7 mm.                An  attachment bonded  to  the  canine  will  often
                                                        facilitate  its  buccal  movement  while  avoiding
                 Retention                              the  apical  component  of  force  which  may  be
                 Adams'  clasps on 6|6.                 produced  by  contact  of a spring with the  slop-
                                                        ing  cingulum.  Removable  appliances  cannot
                 Baseplate                              align severely misplaced teeth. As in the case of
                 As  much  palatal  coverage  as  the  canine  posi-  palatally  positioned  incisors,  stability  of  the
                 tion permits to offer maximum resistance to the   tooth  movement will  depend  to  a  large  extent
                 occlusally directed  force.            on  the  establishment  of  a  good  occlusal  rela-
                                                        tionship  with the lower arch.
                 Anchorage  in  the  vertical  is  provided  by  the  A  spring  to move a premolar buccally
                 acrylic in the palate.
                                                         (Figure 7.8)
                  Points to  note                        Active  component
                 A  point  of  application  must  be  bonded  to  the  For  a  premolar  a  'T'  spring  should  be  used
                 canine  (if possible  to  its  buccal  surface).  This  because  the  vertical  palatal  wall  of  the  tooth
                 can either be  a fixed appliance attachment such   can  make  the  finger  spring  difficult  for  the

                                                                 Figure 7.8  Springs to move 5| buccally
                                                                 and |4 palatally shown  on the same
                                                                 appliance. A T-spring (0.5 mm) on 5|. A
                                                                 buccal spring (0.7 mm)  on|4  . Adams'
                                                                 clasps  6|6  and  double  Adams'  clasp  l|l
                                                                 (0.7  mm).
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