Page 32 - PSHS Handbook 2021-2022
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● Level 1 Foreign Language
The above classes will not count towards total high school credits earned and will not be calculated into a student’s overall QPA. The intent of listing the above courses is to show a student’s progression of course work.
National Honor Society
The criteria for the National Honor Society are as follows: Character, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. To qualify for consideration, a student must have a QPA of 3.75 grade nine through the first semester of grade eleven or at the end of grade eleven. Students must also score proficient or advanced on all three keystone exams and provide proof of at least ten hours of community service. Students will be notified of their eligibility in February of their junior year. At that time they will be required to verify leadership and service criteria. A selection committee appointed by the principal makes final selections. Students must submit signed proof of past and current service and leadership. High academic average alone does not guarantee admission to the National Honor Society. Parents and students may address questions to the National Honor Society advisors. A formal ceremony will occur in the spring for
qualifying juniors. An informal ceremony will be conducted in the fall for qualifying seniors.
Non-Credit Courses for Enrichment
Courses taken for enrichment, or other personal reasons at a certified institution, including colleges and universities with administrative approval, will be recorded on the student’s cumulative record. The course(s) will not count for satisfying the requirements for the high school diploma.
Potential Failures - Grade Twelve
If a senior is failing to meet graduation requirements, the parents will be notified in the following manner:
1. A letter is sent after the first semester.
2. A letter is sent at the end of the third report period.
3. The guidance counselor will call the parent/guardian of any student that does not meet graduation
requirements on the first day of commencement practice.
Program of Studies Booklet
Each year a comprehensive Program of Studies Booklet is prepared and is available on the district website for review sometime in February. To view the Program of Studies click the link provided.
Quality Point Average (QPA)
Rank-in-Class is the position of any one student in his class (based on his year of graduation) in relationship to all other students in his class. Class Rank is based on the student’s quality point average. Quality point average is determined by dividing the total quality points by the total number of credits. The rank reflects the credits earned in grades nine through twelve. The method for computing the class rank follows:
All other courses not specifically listed receive assigned credit. Full Credit Courses:
Letter Grade Value Credit A 4.00 1
B 3.00 1
One-Half Credit (Semester)
Letter Grade Value Credit
A 2.00 1⁄2 B 1.50 1⁄2
Letter Grade C
Letter Grade C
Value Credit 2.00 1 1.00 1 0.00 0
Value Credit 1.00 1⁄2 .50 1⁄2 0.00 0
➢ Forbes Road Career and Technology Center - Three Credits
➢ Failed Courses Repeated - When failed courses are retaken at a remedial level or the same level
either at Plum or at some other certified institution other than Plum, both grades, original and
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 31