Page 33 - PSHS Handbook 2021-2022
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second, are computed in the rank. When failed courses are retaken at the collegiate level, they
will replace the course upon guidance receipt of a college transcript.
➢ Passed Courses Repeated - Courses passed with a final grade of C or D may be repeated with
administrative approval. When the student completes a 120-hour course, the lowest course grade
will not appear on the student’s records.
Advancement to the next grade level is determined by earned credits and passed mandated courses. Students who take and successfully pass the following courses, before 9th grade, will have them noted on their Plum Senior High School transcript:
● Algebra 1
● Geometry
● Level 1 Foreign Language
The above classes will not count towards total high school credits earned and will not be calculated into a student’s overall QPA. The intent of listing the above courses is to show a student’s progression of course work.
Report Cards
The District administers a nine-week report card schedule. The report card is available on-line to the student approximately five school days following the end of each nine-week report period. Teacher comments may appear on your child’s report card to enhance communications between home and school.
Resources for Post-High School Institutions of Learning
The PHS guidance staff is well-equipped to answer any questions concerning post-secondary plans. Guidance counselors can lead students through the college application process, provide them with financial aid resources, inform them of vocational or military options, and offer any other assistance depending on their post-secondary interests. Students should see their guidance counselor to schedule an appointment.
Study Hall Procedure
Students with a full day schedule at Plum are permitted no more than ten (10) study halls per six-day cycle.
Student Assessments
Student Records board policy 216
The educational interests of students require the collection, retention, and use of data and information about individuals and groups of students while ensuring the individual’s right to privacy. The school district will maintain educational records for students for legitimate educational purposes.
Standardized Assessment
College Boards Exams and Test Dates
For more information on the College Board Exams and Test Dates please click the link provided.
➢ American College Test (ACT)
➢ PSAT/National Merit Scholastic Qualifying Test
➢ fAdvanced Placement Examinations
For more information on Transcripts please click the link provided.
Plum High School provides students with two areas of tutoring:
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 32