Page 14 - Summer Programs Handbook 21-22
P. 14

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 ATTENDANCE: Board Policy 204
Students enrolled in Credit Recovery will have a seven week window to complete all required coursework. During that time, it is expected that students will log into their classes daily to complete the coursework. Students should expect to work a minimum of 40 minutes per day or 3.5 hours per week per course. Some courses may require more time, and students should maintain adequate progress by keeping pace with their progress bar within the Edgenuity program.
DISCIPLINE: Board Policy 218
For a detailed description of discipline processes and procedures, please see the Student Code of Conduct.
GRADING POLICY: Board Policy 212
Credit Recovery courses will be graded at the end of the summer program. The Relative Grade within the Edgenuity program will be the final grade for each course. PBSD uses the following grading scale:
           Percentage Interpretation
 Letter Grade
Above Average
Below Average
             NOTE: The grading scale will not apply when indications are that the student, once realizing a passing grade for the course, curtails his effort in the course to a less than satisfactory level. Such cases will be referred to the office of the principal for review, who will then decide if the student will receive a passing grade and credit for the course. If a student does not meet the requirements of a course (term papers, book reports, special class projects, exams), he will fail regardless of his grade.
Credit Recovery & Grade Replacement Courses
The Edgenuity program utilizes three different grades - Overall, Actual, and Relative.
● The Overall Grade is based on the assignments the student has completed to date. While this grade is important for students to see how well they are mastering content, it does not take into account the pace needed to complete the course by the end of the year/semester.
● The Actual Grade is calculated by using the Overall Grade multiplied by the percentage of progress that the student is behind in the course. For example, if a student has 40% of the course complete but should be 50% complete, the Progress Ratio is 40/50, or 0.8. The student’s Overall Grade is multiplied by the progress ratio (.08) to calculate the Actual Grade.
● The Relative Grade reflects what would happen if a student stopped working and received 0% for all unscored, counted activities that are left in the class.
Final grades for Credit Recovery courses will be determined from the Relative Grade in the Edgenuity program. Students are expected to complete all of the assignments in each course. If a student does not complete all assignments by the final day of the summer program, remaining assignments will be scored as a zero (0) and the Relative Grade will be recorded as final.
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success 14

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