Page 15 - Summer Programs Handbook 21-22
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For more information regarding Health and Nursing Services see webpage here. To visit the School Nurse, students are to gain permission and a pass from a staff member. A school nurse will be available during the ESY program. Nursing services will be available June 28th-July 30th.
The social worker serves as a liaison between the home, school, and community. Direct and indirect services may be provided to students and families in an effort to support students experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral issues. Counseling services will also be available to all students to assist with the academic, career planning, and/or personal social development. The student's teacher, counselor or social worker will be happy to try to help her/him with any of these problems.
Plum Borough School District expects the highest standard of honesty in all phases of academic work from its students. Academic dishonesty in any form is an offense against the integrity of the entire school community and will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty or more commonly known as cheating or plagiarism, can be defined as any of the following (this list is not all-inclusive):
1. Obtaining assistance from or knowingly giving assistance to another student during an exam.
2. The use of notes, books, or other sources of information during an exam that is not authorized by the examiner.
3. Obtaining without authorization an examination or any part thereof.
4. Turning in someone else’s work as your own or allowing them to turn your work in as their own.
5. Altering, or causing to be altered, the record of any grade on a test, quiz, etc., or in a grade book, office, or other
6. Using a personal electronic device to photograph any portion of an assessment to use for personal reasons or to
pass it on to other students.
7. Plagiarism - Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, defines plagiarism as “to steal and pass off (the ideas or
words of another) as one’s own: use (another’s production) without crediting the source. Examples of plagiarism include copying passages or visual downloads from the Internet or other texts; not documenting written or oral sources such as teachers, other students, critics; fabricating or manipulating a quotation or source and using free or purchased papers from the Internet or other source.
8. Using a program, software, service, or any other person/system to translate words or spoken language for the purposes of completing a required task in a World Language course. Also, submitting any form of work in a World Language course that includes vocabulary and or grammar that is above the course level that the student is currently enrolled in.
a. Students may be asked to resubmit their work or receive a 0 for the assignment. Online translators are not to be used to complete assignments.
Academic Dishonesty will be subject to the following consequences:
1. No credit given for the assignment, assessment, project, or specified portion on which the student cheated or plagiarized.
2. Possible disciplinary consequences depending on the nature of the infraction, to be determined by the teacher and administration.
      District Information
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