Page 24 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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English I - Composition
This course is based on the academic 9th grade curriculum, but is intended to provide students with more opportunity to practice and develop the reading and writing skills necessary for proficiency on the Keystone Exams, success in the classroom, and college or career readiness. Students will focus on reading strategies in fiction and nonfiction, and develop writing skills in expository, persuasive and research-based compositions.
REQUIRED SUMMER READING: I’ll Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka
PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following:
● Composite score of Basic or Below Basic on PSSA Reading (7th and 8th grade). Or
● Teacher recommendation.
Honors English 9 - Composition
Students will focus primarily on argumentative, expository, and research writing in the enriched setting of an honors level class. Intended for the student who is advanced in reading and writing in 8th grade, students will be able to express ideas through expository and persuasive writing, building upon the elements of composition through concurrent instruction of vocabulary, grammar and usage and reading for meaning. Students will continue to develop the skills necessary to reach high achievement levels on the English Composition Keystone Exam and other forms of standardized testing. Students will read a variety of fiction and nonfiction works, developing skills and strategies to extract the author’s meaning and purpose in an enriched environment.
REQUIRED SUMMER READING: I’ll Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following:
● A final grade of a B or higher in English Advanced 8 Or an A in English 8.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced on PSSA Reading (7th and 8th grade).
● Teacher recommendation.
English 10 - Literature
Students will be able to gain understanding and think critically through reading, writing, and speaking. Students will be able to express ideas through expository and persuasive writing in preparation for the Keystone Exam. The fundamental focus of English 10 builds upon the elements of literary analysis and reading for meaning. English 10 Literature corresponds to the Keystone Assessment Anchors and eligible content and culminates with The Keystone Exam in Literature while drawing from short stories, novels, nonfiction, and poetry to teach literary techniques and terminology. A score of Proficient or Advanced is a graduation requirement as per the PA Department of Education. REQUIRED SUMMER READING: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following: ● Successful completion of English 9.
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