Page 29 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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Literature and Film Foundations
This writing course focuses on analyzing literature and critiquing elements of film. Students will examine film by comparing and contrasting it to its literary counterpart. Also, students will discuss and write about the films and literature in terms literary analysis: character, mood, plot, purpose, setting, theme, tone, and other related devices. This analytical approach to reading, viewing, and writing will feature a variety of films and literature.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following:
● Composite score of Basic or Below Basic on PSSA Reading (8th grade) and/or Keystone Literature exam.
● Teacher recommendation.
English: Elective Courses
Television Productions I
Television Productions I is offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors as an elective. Students will be introduced to the basic techniques of audio-visual production. Units will focus on theory and creating treatments, as well as the hands-on use of television cameras, sound, lighting, and editing equipment. Students will become proficient in all aspects of video production from pre to post-production. Assessments will consist of written exams, evaluation of examples, quizzes demonstrating proficiency on equipment and technique, and completion of video projects. Working in groups is a requirement for completion of the projects.
This course is not approved for NCAA credit.
Television Productions II
This course will provide an opportunity for students to enhance their speaking and peer-mentoring skills while learning the basic techniques of audio-visual production. Emphasis will be placed on the talent and technical requirements necessary for television production. The course will cover the use of audio equipment, cameras, a switcher, and character generator, as well as the art of editing. In addition, students will have a hands-on experience using a storyboard and preparing for an interview. As students refine their video skills from pre-production to post-production, they will be producing shows that will be broadcast to the high school student body and to the community on channel 23. Students will produce the annual telethon in collaboration with the National Honor Society. Evaluation will consist of written exams and the proficiency evidenced in the creation, formulation, storyboard, writing, direction, and production of television show projects by a given deadline. This course requires extensive filming after school and in the evenings. This course is not approved for NCAA credit.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following: ● Television Productions I
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of speech. Students will present research through various forms of media. They will be exposed to a variety of types of speech, while enhancing their research and writing skills. College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through the LaRoche College. Click h ere for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have the following:
● Successful completion of English 10.
● Teacher recommendation.
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