Page 30 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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   Television Productions III
    This course will refine the skills that the students learned in Television Production II and allow students the opportunity to further enhance those skills. Emphasis will be placed on the talent and technical requirements necessary for television production. Students will create and produce their own television series. The series will be shown on Verizon Fios and Comcast. Students will also facilitate and manage media for the local cable station. Students will also produce the annual telethon in collaboration with the National Honor Society. Evaluation will consist of the proficiency evidenced in the creation, formulation, storyboard, writing, direction, and production of television show projects by a given deadline. Extensive filming after school and in the evenings is required. ​College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Duquesne University. Click ​here​ for more information on Dual Enrollment.
This course is not approved for ​NCAA credit​. PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following:
● Television Productions II
      Exceptionally Prepared for Success   ​ 29

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