Page 55 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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    STEAM Courses
 *What is STEM/STEAM?
   Introduction to Materials Processing & Engineering
    The practical application of mathematics, technology, science, engineering, and material science is the foundation for this course. Students will begin a year long engagement of processing materials into pre-engineered designs and projects based on solving common problems and answering the needs of everyday modern life. Students who enjoy crafting products from raw materials such as woods, metals and plastics into usable items will find the course work fulfilling. Students will engage in Civil Engineering using state of the art site levels and measuring devices. Students will prepare a construction site by compacting soils in preparation for bridges, roads and buildings. Students will design sustainable structures and construct student designed projects. The crafting of materials into practical projects will be explored using a state of the art woodshop. Students will apply STEM to problem solve and design solutions to common problems facing society today and the future. The course is designed to prepare the student for a career in the engineering and or technical world. Digital technology will be used to create tutorial videos describing the process involved in creating projects.
    Exceptionally Prepared for Success   ​ 54

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