Page 58 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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    World Language Courses
  The World Language program is a performance-to-proficiency based curriculum designed to develop learners’ communication skills and intercultural competencies. These skills and competencies prepare students to interact with people in our nation and around the world as well as investigate and use information from global sources.
The five goals of the national World Readiness Standards for Learning Language (​​) are integrated naturally throughout the curriculum. ​Communication​ and ​cultures a​ re addressed in the language and intercultural Can-Do statements in order to participate in multilingual ​communities a​ t home and around the world​. Academic and career ​connections ​are evident in the content-based elements of each theme. Regular ​comparisons ​are made between the learner’s own language and culture and that of the target language.
Each curriculum map is organized around the six Advanced Placement themes: Personal Identity, Beauty & Esthetics, Contemporary Life, Families & Communities, Science & Technology, and Global Challenges.
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