Page 16 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 16

Dating Violence
The purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free from dating violence. Dating violence is inconsistent with the educational goals of the district and is prohibited at all times. Refer to ​Board Policy 252​ for more information
Delinquent vs. Criminal Acts
Pennsylvania law provides that any person age 15 or older who commits a violent crime and committed either the crime with a deadly weapon or previously has been adjudicated delinquent for a violent crime, will automatically be tried as an adult in the criminal justice system.
Refer to ​Board Policy 144​ for more information​.
The PBSD School Board encourages students and parents/guardians who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment to promptly report such incidents to the Superintendent, building principal or school psychologist. Applicable guidelines can also be obtained through a request to the Superintendent, building principal or school psychologist. Reports of discrimination may also be forwarded to the school district’s central administration. Refer to Board Policies ​103 and ​103.1​ for more information.
Dress and Grooming
The clothing a student wears while learning (school, online, etc.) can affect the safety, academic focus, and integrity of that student and the student’s surroundings. Discretion is advised on the part of the students and parents. The school will become involved in the matter of dress when an individual student exercises poor judgment in his/her mode of dress; that is, the dress interferes with the learning process, constitutes a hazard to the student or others, or is deemed inappropriate for the school/online setting by the staff and administration. Safety issues will be addressed with clothing or shoes when seen as dangerous. ​ ​Refer to​ ​Board Policy 221​ ​for more information.
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