Page 17 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 17

​Dress Code Guidelines
● Armbands, buttons, and badges are permissible, as well as clothing bearing slogans, as
long as they are not gang related, obscene, libelous, or display items or products that are
contrary to school rules and regulations, or interfere with the educational process.
● Objects that are sharp or protrude from the person of a student are prohibited. This includes,
but is not limited to spikes on collars, jackets, shoes and wristbands.
● Bottoms: ​Length of shorts, skirts, and dresses for any student should be NO higher than
three inches above the knee (Use arms at your side/hands down to gauge. Anything above
your fingertip is considered not appropriate for school)
○ Holes in bottoms that expose skin must also adhere to the three inch rule.
○ Pants, shorts, and skirts are not to sag below the waistline so that bare-midriff and/or
underwear are seen.
○ Any clothing item not of appropriate length should be accompanied by opaque leggings.
● Tops:​ Tank type jerseys, muscle shirts, ​spaghetti straps, tube tops, halters, and bare midriff tops are prohibited.
○ See-through or low-cut/revealing shirts are not permitted. See-through shirts must be accompanied by a camisole or tank top.
○ Undergarments, bare midriffs, and bare open backs should not be visible through shirts.
● Hats (including hoods) and bandanas are not to be worn or carried during school hours.
Hats should not be worn at musicals, concerts, or school plays.
● Jackets and top coats are not to be worn in the classroom during the school day.
● Coats should be placed in lockers at the start of the school day.
● Pajama pants or shirts as well as slippers are not permitted.
● Face covering, face mask, and/or face shield are to be worn, as required.
○ Face coverings, face mask, and/or face shield must be free of any gang related, obscene, libelous, or display items or products that are contrary to school rules and regulations, or interfere with the educational process
○ Failure or refusal to wear face covering, face mask, and/or face shield will result in a consequence.
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