Page 19 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 19
8. ALL TRAFFIC LAWS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Students who do not obey the traffic laws will be reported by security to the principal. Disciplinary action will be takenas well as the student’s parent/guardian being notified.
9. Normal student flow of traffic entering and exiting school property is via the school entrance that is closest to the cafeteria side of the building. This is necessary so as not to impede the flow of the school bus traffic.
10.If a student’s parking privileges are revoked, there will be no refund for the amount paid for the pass.
11.The number of parking passes issued for each season is limited by the parking spaces available on the high school campus. Due to the limited number of spaces, no student can be guaranteed a pass. Students are encouraged to submit their applications in a timely manner according to the application procedures determined by administration. Students will be given the opportunity to apply for passes on a first come, first served basis.
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