Page 21 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 21
1. Students are required to use the appropriate technology devices in classrooms entirely at teachers’ discretions.
2. All devices are to be kept on silent mode during the school day.
3. Camera use and video recording are strictly prohibited unless being used for instructional purposes and approved by the teacher.
4. Students are not to call, text message, email, or electronically communicate with others from their personal device, including other students, parents, guardians, friends, and family during class time.
5. Phone calls during the school day are not to be made from personal devices. Please continue to use the main office phone. When not in use, phones are to be kept within student book bags/locker and turned off.
6. All Plum Borough School District students will receive a district-issued Google Chromebook. Due to the investment made by the district to enhance student learning, only the student’s school-issued device will be able to connect to our district provided internet.
7. Personal devices will not be able to gain access to the internet within our schools unless approved by a district administrator.
Refer to Board Policy 237 for all restrictions and rules applicable to the use of personal electronic devices in school or on school property. Students and parents are expressly advised that the use of an electronic device in a manner not permitted or authorized under Board Policy 237 will be considered at minimum a Level I consequence.
Consequences of Electronic Device Misuse:
1s t offense = confiscate device, verbal warning
2n d offense = confiscate device, administrative detention
3r d offense = confiscate device, in-school suspension, parent must retrieve device 4t h offense = confiscate device, progressive discipline, parent must retrieve device
To protect our students while on district devices and network, Plum Borough School District uses Lightspeed Relay, a filtering and monitoring service that blocks access to inappropriate content and provides detailed reporting regarding our students' web searches and browsing activity on district-provided devices. For added protection, we also employ Bark for Schools, an intelligent monitoring system that scans our Google Suite (including but not limited to Classroom, Gmail, Docs, and Slides) and flags possible indicators of cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, sexual predation, and more.
All parents have the option to receive reports regarding their child's activity on district devices with the parent report generator. To sign up for these reports, please email with your student's name and ID number and we will set you up to receive these reports automatically.
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