Page 20 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 20
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Drugs and Alcohol
It is the goal of the district to provide the opportunity for students to develop to their fullest potential; therefore, they must be chemically free. The policy states that students shall not use, distribute, or have in their possession any mood-altering chemicals in school, on school property, or at school related activities. It is the district’s intent to prevent and prohibit the use of any mood-altering chemicals by educating, identifying, and intervening in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all concerned. Refer to Board Policy 227 for more information.
Distribution of Drugs/Alcohol
The consequences for distributing, sharing, or involving others in the use of drugs and/or alcohol in school include all of the consequences listed above, plus possible referral to the PBSD School Board for expulsion. Refer to Board Policy 227 for more information.
Possession/Use of Drugs/Alcohol
The following consequences are in place for students possessing and/or using drugs and/or alcohol:
● Suspension
● Parent conference required before returning to classes
● Referral to the police
● Referral to drug and/or alcohol treatment
Consequences may also include a conference with the superintendent, a behavior contract, longer term suspension, alternative educational placement and/or temporary or permanent expulsion. Refer to Board Policy 227 for more information.
Sale of Drugs/Alcohol
The sale of drugs and/or alcohol in the PBSD will not be tolerated. Students will be adjudicated before both the Plum Borough Board of School Directors and appropriate legal authorities. The school consequence may be a permanent expulsion from the district. The police and district attorney will determine the legal consequences. Refer to Board Policy 227 for more information.
Personally Owned Electronic Devices
The use of electronic devices, which include but are not limited to mobile telephones and other devices that can send, receive, play or display digital video or audio data or images or which provide an unfiltered connection to the Internet, is prohibited by students during instructional periods of the school day and in such other circumstances as delineated in Board Policy 237. Electronic devices may be brought to school but must be kept turned off and out of sight during all instructional periods and activities. Use of electronic devices in certain designated areas of the school or in other special circumstances may be approved by the building principal. Use of electronic devices on school transportation is permitted to the extent that such use does not disrupt or distract other students, passengers, or the operator of the vehicle, and does not otherwise pose a risk to the safe and orderly operation of the vehicle.
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