Page 25 - High School Parent and Student Handbook 20-21
P. 25
State Competition
Where one student has qualified for competition at the state level the situation will be evaluated as to the feasibility of another student’s accompanying the qualifier as a companion. The companion may be selected by the athlete with approval of the Athletic Director and head coach.
Student Conduct at Athletic Contests
High school athletics are an integral part of the school’s program, and the participants in the contests are high school students. Considering these factors, conduct at athletic events must reflect the very essence of good sportsmanship. Vulgar cheers, throwing of objects, verbal harassment toward the visiting team, athletes, officials, or cheerleaders have no place in high school sports. The school will not tolerate poor spectator behavior.
Those who display such behavior will be disciplined accordingly and/or may be asked to leave the premises. Students attending or participating in school-related athletic events will be held to the same policies and regulations as pertain to regular school conduct.
Ticket Prices Varsity Football:
➢ Home Games: Student tickets will only be sold in the cafeteria on Thursdays and Fridays during lunch periods. Cost is $3.00. Only $5.00 General Admission and $3.00 Elementary Student Tickets will be sold at the gate.
➢ Away Games: Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria during lunch periods and in the athletic office until 3:00 on Fridays
Varsity Basketball, Varsity Wrestling, Varsity Soccer, Swimming, Varsity Lacrosse and Varsity Volleyball:
➢ Home Games/Matches: Tickets will be sold at the door only. Cost is Adults $5.00 and Students $3.00.
There is no admission charge for any other athletic event.
Team members, managers, statisticians, and cheerleaders are required to be transported to and from away events on the school bus. A coach may release a member of his or her group to the student’s parents if the parent submits a written request prior to the event. Emergency situations will be handled appropriately.
Varsity Jacket
Athletes may order a varsity style jacket after they have earned one varsity letter. Jackets may be ordered online at
Clubs and Organizations
The clubs and organizations often reflect the interests of students. The clubs and organizations that normally are active in a given year are:
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-Art Club
-Class Play
-Future Educators -Habitat for Humanity -Nat’l Honor Society -Spanish Club -Twirling Club
-Book Club -Drama Club -Future Nurses -Horizons Club -Peer Tutoring -SPIRIT
-Eco-Bio Club
-Get Fit Club
-Library Aides -Physics Club -Student Government
-Chess Club
-French Club
-Girls Leaders Assoc. -Musical -Sign-Language Club -SADD
Exceptionally Prepared for Success