Page 27 - High School Parent and Student Handbook 20-21
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 FIELD TRIPS ​Board Policy 121
Educational field trips occurring during the school hours, including overnight trips, require parental permission and the permission of each of the student’s teachers. Students will adhere to the following procedures when planning to attend a field trip:
1. Students will first obtain the parent signature on the school field trip release.
2. Students will then obtain the signatures of each teacher either permitting or refusing absence
from the class. Teachers will not sign the form if it does not have a parent signature.
3. On the week of the field trip, students must meet all academic eligibility requirements to attend.
Students who are failing at least one core class or two elective courses will be denied
participation in the trip.
4. Students must have their release form submitted to the sponsoring teacher by the end of the day
before the trip.
5. Students denied permission by a teacher(s) may have his/her case reviewed by the principal.
All rules and regulations as stated in the Plum Senior High School Parent/Student Handbook apply at all times during the trip. The administration reserves the right to deny students the privilege to attend field trips on the basis of excessive absenteeism, academic deficiency, or school conduct.
For more information please visit the ​Guidance Department webpage​ by clicking the link provided.
Academic Awards
Academic Awards Banquet
The Board of School Directors hosts a banquet in the spring of the year for seniors who have a Q.P.A. of 3.75 or higher from grade nine through the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Annual Awards Program
The program provides school and community groups the opportunity to recognize seniors for their positive contributions and achievements. This includes the following: academic and athletic excellence, meritorious service to the school and community, and for traits of positive character. The ceremony is conducted in the evening with a brief reception following the program.
Students with a 4.0 grade point average and above will be awarded a medallion for “Academic Excellence” at commencement and lead the roll call procession.
Honor and High Honor Roll
The distinction of Honor or High Honor Roll is awarded each nine-week marking period. Students who earn a 3.25-3.74, with no grade lower than a C recorded for any course for that report period, will be designated as having earned the distinction of Honor Roll. Students who earn 3.75 or above, with no grade lower than a C recorded for any course for that report period, will be designated as having earned the distinction of High Honor Roll.
      Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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