Page 41 - High School Parent and Student Handbook 20-21
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 SEARCHES OF LOCKERS, PERSONS AND VEHICLES ​Board Policy 226 For more information please review the ​Code of Conduct​ by clicking the link provided.
The board reserves the right to designate and prohibit manifestations of student expression that are not protected by the right of free expression because they violate the rights of others. For more information please review the ​Code of Conduct​ by clicking the link provided.
TECHNOLOGY ​Board Policy 237
For more information please review the ​Code of Conduct​ by clicking the link provided.
For more information on the ​Educational Technology Department​ please click the link provided.
TRANSPORTATION ​Board Policy 810
For more information please review the ​Code of Conduct​ by clicking the link provided​.
Parking Passes
Seasonal passes can be purchased for a fee of $25.00. Students will also have the opportunity at the beginning of the year to purchase year long passes for $75.00 on a first come first serve basis. Only 150 year-long passes will be made available; all other passes will be purchased on a seasonal basis. Emergency passes can be purchased for $2.00/day. The following guidelines are in place for the safety, responsibility, and efficiency of student parking.
1. Parking pass seasons:
a. Fall season runs from the first day of school and ends November 30​ .
b. Winter season starts December 3rd and ends February 28​ .
c. Spring season starts March 1​ and ends the last day of school.
2. Emergency passes are to be used on an intermittent basis for appointments that occur during the school day. These passes are not intended to be used in place of a seasonal pass. The overuse of emergency parking passes will be brought to the attention of a principal.
3. If a student who is issued a pass is tardy 6 times, their pass may be revoked for the remainder of that season. Students will only be eligible to reapply for a new parking pass the next season at the discretion of the principal. Students who surpass 9 tardies for the year will lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the year. In addition, students who have accumulated 6 or more unexcused absences will also lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the year.
4. Students who are required to drive for medical reasons, or that may need a handicapped parking space must secure a pass from the attendance secretary. A handicapped parking pass will be issued. These students will use the school lot and park in the space assigned by the attendance secretary.
5. A security guard will check passes in the student lots each morning. Only students with valid parking passes are permitted to enter the lots. Students who do not have a valid parking pass will be subject to disciplinary action.
6. Students who park on school property without permission will be subject to progressive disciplinary action, can have emergency parking fees attached to their diploma, or in extreme circumstances, could have their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.
7. Students must park in a parking space within the student parking lots. Students who park in the grass or along the curb are subject to disciplinary action.
8. ALL TRAFFIC LAWS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.​ Students who do not obey the traffic laws will be reported by security to the principal. Disciplinary action ​will be taken​ as well as the student’s parent being notified.
9. Normal student flow of traffic entering and exiting school property is via the school entrance that is closest to the cafeteria side of the building. This is necessary so as not to impede the flow of the school bus traffic.
10. If a student’s parking privileges are revoked, there will be no refund for the amount paid for the pass.
             Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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