Page 43 - High School Parent and Student Handbook 20-21
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Change of Address
If during the school year a student has a change of address or telephone number, it is to be reported to the office as soon as possible, so that records may be changed. In the event that a student moves from the school district to another district, he/she must notify the office immediately to obtain a Withdrawal Form for parent signature in order that transcripts may be forwarded to the new district.
Class Rings
Students may order class rings in October during the school day. Evening hours will be provided for parents who wish to be involved in the process. All financial dealings are directly with the ring company. A deposit is required at the time of ordering, and the balance must be paid by the time the ring is delivered. The projected delivery date for class rings is the second week of February.
Collection of Information for Marketing
Parents have the right to inspect the material and opt out the student from participating in any activity that results in the collection, disclosure or use of personal information for purposes of marketing or selling that information. This does not apply to the collection, disclosure or use of personal information collected from students for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services for or to students.
The school elevators are located in the pool wing and main entrance area and are available to those who are physically incapacitated from using the stairs. Permission to use the elevator may be requested through Security.
Foreign Exchange Students Board Policy 239
The American Field Service (AFS) is recognized as the official organization to represent foreign exchange students in the Plum Borough School District. Requests must be received by the Board no later than June 30 prior to the school year in which the student is to attend school in the Plum Borough School District.
Maintaining Professional Adults/Student Boundaries Board Policy 824
All adults (district employees, volunteers, student teachers, and independent contractors and their employees who interact with students or are present on school ground) shall be expected to maintain professional, moral and ethical relationships with district students that are conducive to an effective, safe learning environment. This policy addresses a range of behaviors that include not only obviously unlawful or improper interactions with students, but also precursor grooming and other boundary-blurring behaviors that can lead to more egregious misconduct. The Board directs that all adults shall be informed of conduct that is prohibited and the disciplinary actions that may be applied for violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, rules and procedures. This policy is not intended to interfere with appropriate pre-existing personal relationships between adults and students and their families that exist independently of the district or to interfere with participation in civic, religious or other outside organizations that include district students. Adults shall establish and maintain appropriate personal boundaries with students and not engage in any behavior that is prohibited by this policy or that creates the appearance of prohibited behavior.
School Publications
The school-produced publications are:
➢ Plum Hi-Lites: This newspaper is published several times during the course of the school year.
➢ Criterion: The school yearbook is similar to a university edition in size and content. The yearbook covers the entire school year, and is distributed at the end of the school year. In recent years there have been a number of court rulings dealing with school publications, and Plum governs its publications by the established rulings and guidelines of the courts. Publication sponsors will closely monitor the appropriateness of submitted material under guidelines of the courts and policy of the School District.
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