Page 11 - PDLA Handbook 2021-2022
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Plum Digital Learning Academy Information
Parents may purchase voluntary K-12 student accident insurance through Bollinger Speciality Group. Student Accident Insurance helps ease those concerns by providing benefits for injuries that occur during school hours and or school-sponsored and supervised activities (i.e., athletics, gym class, playground, field trips, JROTC, etc.). With the increasing trend of high deductible plans, and more of the cost share shifting to the insured, Student Accident Coverage has become an even greater tool to bridge the coverage gaps that are inherent in most insurance plans.
The PDLA program offers the flexibility for students and families to customize course schedules to meet the needs of each individual. All PDLA courses will follow the PBSD school year calendar. Students taking online courses through the PDLA program will still be required to meet the graduation requirements.
Students wishing to take all of their courses online through the PDLA program will be considered a Full-Time PDLA student. Full-time students are always considered part of their school building and eligible to participate in school sponsored sporting events and extracurricular activities. Full-time students can also take advantage of the following:
Partial/Hybrid Schedule
Students wishing to take one or more PDLA courses but still have at least one in-person course at their home school building will be considered a partial PDLA student with a Hybrid schedule. Students/families needing more flexibility with their schedule are encouraged to discuss partial/hybrid schedule options with the student’s school counselor.
Student schedules for the 21-22 school year will be completed before the last day of the 20-21 school year. Students will not be permitted to schedule PDLA courses after the first fourteen (14) days of the first or third marking periods. Administrator approval will be needed for any other circumstances outside of this window.
ATTENDANCE: Board Policy 204
Regular attendance is necessary to ensure one’s best performance in school and is also a required component of state law. Students who attend Plum Digital Learning Academy are expected to log in to the program daily, and should expect to work at a minimum of 40 minutes per day or 3.5 hours per week per course. Truancy issues will be handled according to the Plum Borough School Board policy.
Use of the following chart will assist in determining the number of hours needed per week:
● 1 course = 3 hours per week
● 2 courses = 6 hours per week
● 3 courses = 9 hours per week
● 4 courses = 12 hours per week
● 5 courses = 15 hours per week ● 6 courses = 18 hours per week ● 7 courses = 21 hours per week ● 8 courses = 24 hours per week
Students are expected to remain on pace in all of their PDLA courses. In order to stay on pace, students will log-in to Edgenuity daily and engage with the program to complete assignments. Students in PDLA are expected to stay within 10% of the target completion at all times. While students are allowed to work at their own pace, it is very difficult to get caught up with the coursework when a student falls behind in an online class. If a student is not progressing adequately in a PDLA class, any or all of the following steps may be taken as is deemed appropriate:
● Teacher conferences with the student.
● Teacher communicates with the parent/guardian via telephone, email, or letter.
● A counselor meeting, parent/counselor meeting, or meeting with administration present is held to design an action
plan that will ensure student success.
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