Page 12 - PDLA Handbook 2021-2022
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DISCIPLINE: Board Policy 218
For a detailed description of discipline processes and procedures, please see the Student Code of Conduct.
The PDLA program will utilize the Accelerate Education platform for students in grades K-6 and the Edgenuity Courseware for students in grades 7-12. Each course aligns to PBSD content and PA Core standards. Course offerings are subject to change. Please see links below for the available course listings for the 2021-2022 school year.
● Grades K-6 Course Offerings
● Grades 7-12 Course Offerings
GRADING POLICY: Board Policy 212 PDLA courses follow the PBSD grading scale below:
Letter Grade
Quality Points
4 3 2 1 0
Above Average Average
Below Average Failure Withdrew Failing Incomplete
90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D
0-59 F WF
Grades K-6
Students in grades K-6 will receive grades at the end of each nine-week period. Marking period grades will be transferred from the Accelerate program into Sapphire, and recorded as the marking period grade. Parents should monitor student progress in the online program on a regular basis. Questions or concerns can be directed to the classroom teachers, and guidance counselors.
Grades 7-12
The Edgenuity program utilizes three different grades - Overall, Actual, and Relative.
● The Overall Grade is based on the assignments the student has completed to date. While this grade is important
for students to see how well they are mastering content, it does not take into account the pace needed to
complete the course by the end of the year/semester.
● The Actual Grade is calculated by using the Overall Grade multiplied by the percentage amount of progress that
the student is behind in the course. For example, if a student has 40% of the course complete but should be 50% complete, the Progress Ratio is 40/50, or 0.8. The student’s Overall Grade is multiplied by the progress ratio (.08) to calculate the Actual Grade.
● The Relative Grade reflects what would happen if a student stopped working and received 0% for all unscored, counted activities that are left in the class.
Marking period grades will be entered into Sapphire at the end of each nine-week period. The Actual grade from Edgenuity will be recorded as the student’s grade for the first and third marking period in the Sapphire grade book. The second and fourth marking period grade will be the Relative grade in Edgenuity at the end of those marking periods. The final grade in the course will be an average of the four marking periods. If a student is behind in progress by more than 15% of the “Target Completion” at the end of the first or third marking period, an Incomplete (I) grade will be entered into the grade book. Once the student reaches 50% completion in that course the Actual Grade will be entered to update the corresponding marking period grade in Sapphire.
Continuous student progress can be monitored through the Family Portal within Edgenuity, and daily or weekly progress reports can be emailed home as well.
When scheduling classes for the 2021-2022 school year, students may not drop or change classes after the last day of the 2020-2021 school year. Requests to add or change a PDLA course will not be permitted outside of the first 14 days of the first and third marking periods. Because of the design of these asynchronous courses, transition to and from in-person and online courses can create difficulties for students and should be avoided.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 12