Page 22 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
P. 22

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   Business Courses
      Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
         Intro to Business (sem) Intro to Business (sem) Intro to Business (sem) Intro to Business (sem)
      Business Law and Finance
      Business Law and Finance
     Business Law and Finance
   Intro to Accounting Intro to Accounting Intro to Accounting
         Honors Accounting Honors Accounting
         International Business International Business
         Marketing Marketing
           Introduction to Business 609 9-12 1 .5
        This course is an introduction to the private enterprise system. Topics covered include forms of business organizations, business finance, human resource management, production, entrepreneurship, business ethics, marketing, and the changing business environment. Students are exposed to various economies, their roles in our economy, entrepreneurship, marketing, management, finance and technological resources. . Examples of activities covered during this course include but are not limited to: Explain the American free enterprise system as well as describe how businesses operate in our modern political, social, and economic environment. Present a general background in the elements and characteristics of business enterprise. Discuss the many aspects of business functions such as management, organization, human relations, marketing, finance, and ethics. Analyze the methods and procedures used by people in business to arrive at effective decisions. Explain the role of profits in our economic system and present major business concepts in writing and orally using proper business communications techniques. This course is a semester course open to all students. No prerequisite
       Business Law and Finance 610 10-12 2 1
        This course is for students who want to understand their legal rights and responsibilities in their personal and business lives, regardless of career choice or academic path. Topics include, but are not limited to, contracts, criminal law, environmental law, family law and consumer protection. The finance portion of this course focuses on the student’s role as citizen, consumer, and an active participant in the business world. ​ ​Topics include, but are not limited to, income, benefits, taxes, budgeting, wise use of credit, insurance, stocks and bonds, personal risk management, buying decisions, savings and investing, and credit problems and laws. Have you ever wondered about such topics as a Bear or Bull Market, the NASDAQ or the S&P 500? Are you considering majoring in business, possibly even finance? Have you thought about a career as a Financial Analyst or an Investment Banker? This course will introduce you to the lucrative world of investing. Through a variety of projects and research, you will learn how to analyze companies. Based on your analysis you will select and then monitor a diversified portfolio of investments. Students in this class will invest real money in the market during the school year thanks to a generous donation from Mr. Robert McCann which created the PHS Educational Investment Fund.
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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