Page 45 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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   Science Courses
      Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
     Natural Science
    Biology Intermediate Science I
    Intermediate I Intermediate Science II Geo Science
   Intermediate II Geo Science
    Physics Geo Science Forensics
   Intermediate Science II
 Honors Biology
    Chemistry Honors Chemistry
     Physics AP Physics I
    AP Biology
AP Chemistry AP Physics C (CHS)
      Forensics Forensics Forensics
         Geo Science Geo Science Geo Science
      Anatomy and Physiology
      Anatomy and Physiology
     Anatomy and Physiology
   AP Biology AP Biology
         AP Chemistry AP Physics I
         AP Physics C (CHS)
         AP Physics II
           Natural Science 400 9 2 1
        Natural Science is an introductory course with emphasis placed on concept development, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry. Concepts are developed and reinforced through discussions, demonstrations, and scientific laboratory exercises.
The course also emphasizes data analysis and drawing conclusions from the data. The laboratory experiments enable students to gain direct hands-on experience to reinforce principles obtained in the classroom.
Content includes Biology & Anatomy, Chemistry, Earth & Space, and Physical Science.
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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