Page 52 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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Honors Modern American 214 10 2 1 History
This course is an in-depth examination of United States history, beginning with the post Civil War Reconstruction era. Major topics of study include the West, the Growth of Industry and labor, Immigration, Imperialism, the Progressive era, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, Holocaust, the Cold War, Civil Rights Movement and the War on Terror. The course includes several higher level project based assessments requiring research and collaboration with peers. The reading and reflection of the memoir “Night” by Elie Wiesel is required. The course stresses document based questions (DBQ’s) of primary sources, it also introduces students to elements of the AP exam. Current events are included throughout the course.
College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Carlow University. Click h ere for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have completed one of the following:
● Honors Civics with a B or higher.
● Civics with an A AND a teacher recommendation.
Civics 203 9 2 1
Civics will provide a comprehensive background into the understanding and function of United States citizenship and American government. Students will apply this understanding to both our nation and our state. Some of the topics covered in this course will include: the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Federalism, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and State and Local Government. This course will prepare students to take and successfully pass the ASSESSMENT OF CIVIC KNOWLEDGE (Pennsylvania State Requirement Test). This course will also emphasize civic participation (community volunteering) by the students.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following: ● Early American History
Honors Civics & Politics 204 9 2 1
This is an advanced course for serious individuals who would like to gain a deeper understanding about the working of the national, state. and local government. The course will look at the what and who of government as well the why and how government works and operates. Honors Civics & Politics should be taken by students who are driven and have a passion to learn more about how government, at different levels, works on behalf of the people they represent. In the course, the students will also discuss how our government came to be to what it is today. This course will prepare students to take and successfully pass the ASSESSMENT OF CIVIC KNOWLEDGE (Pennsylvania State Requirement Test). Through this course, the student will emphasize civic participation(community volunteering) by the student. Also, students will be able to develop their own ideas about the government and what directions the individual student would like to see the country move towards and what other groups think about different topics. College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Carlow University. Click here for more information on Dual Enrollment.
Prerequisites: Student must have all of the following: ● 88% or Better in 8th Grade History Course ● Teacher Recommendation
Notable Items
○ Course title for Carlow University - Introduction to American Government
Exceptionally Prepared for Success