Page 53 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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       AP United States History 205 11-12 2 1
        Advanced Placement American History is a college level course in American History. Examinations, essays, research work, and supplemental reading ​assignments​ are similar to those given at the university level, in an American History survey course. This course is offered to those students who excel in the social studies and/or those students who have an intense interest in American History.
Students will be required to complete a summer assignment assigned by the classroom teachers. Students will also complete a research assignment to fulfill the final examination requirement. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy).
​When a student takes Advanced Placement American History in grade 11, they must take Advanced Placement European History or World Cultures in grade 12 to meet Pennsylvania state standards. ​College credit (6 cr) is available for this course through Carlow University. Click h​ ere​ for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● A in Modern American History or A or B in Honors Modern American History
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced on PSSA Reading.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams. OR;
● Teacher Recommendation.
       World Cultures 206 11-12 2 1
        This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding and appreciation of the following geographic regions and countries: Northern Eurasia, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Emphasis will be placed on the major cultural and political structures of the world, with emphasis on the historic development of the culture and its present pattern. ​College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Carlow University. Click here​ for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have the following:
● Modern American History or Honors Modern American History
       AP European History 208 11-12 2 1
        Advanced Placement European History is a college level course in European history (1450-present). It is designed specifically to prepare all students to be successful on the College Board Advanced Placement European History exam. Highly developed critical thinking skills and proficiency in historical essay writing are necessary. Work is designed to be similar to that given at the university level.
All students will be responsible for completing all parts of the summer assignment, as well as research projects and presentations for both the mid-term and final exam grades. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy). ​College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Seton Hill University. Click h​ ere​ for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● B or better in Honors Modern American History AP United States History or A in Modern American History.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams. OR; Teacher recommendation.
       Economics/Law 209 12 2 1
        This course is designed to provide the student with core knowledge in both economics and in law. Semester one focuses on economics and semester two focuses on law. During the economics semester, MICROECONOMICS students will examine how people produce goods and services necessary to satisfy their needs and wants. The course will be centered on scarcity and choice, markets and economic systems, functions of government, economic interdependence, and income profit and wealth. During the law semester, students will examine the origins of American Law, criminal law and juvenile justice, tort law, and the individual’s rights and liberties. Extensive projects, essay writing, oral presentations, as well as homework, discussion, and tests are important components of this course. A major research assignment and major projects are required. ​College credit (3 cr) is available for this course through Carlow University. Click ​here​ for more information on Dual Enrollment.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have the following:
● Successful completion of a junior year Social Studies course.
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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