Page 63 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
P. 63

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   General Electives
     Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
     Preparing for the Future Preparing for the Future Preparing for the Future Preparing for the Future
     SAT Prep SAT Prep SAT Prep
     Newspaper/Year Book Newspaper/Year Book
     FEA Internship FEA Internship
                           TITLE COURSE # GRADE SEMESTERS CREDITS
           SAT Prep 827 10-12 1 0.5
        S​AT Prep is a semester course designed for the college-bound student who desires to increase his or her level of preparedness for taking the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). This course will utilize online sites and resources as well as text based material that will be reinforced by the classroom teacher. The preparation will surround the Mathematics and English sections as well as general test-taking strategies and tips. Pre-tests will help guide the instruction throughout each subject.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have the following:
● Concurrent enrollment or successful completion of Algebra II
       Yearbook/Newspaper 180 11-12 2 1
        Students will learn the basic skills needed to produce the ​Criterion​, the school yearbook, and ​Plum Hi-Lites​, the school newspaper. Students will become proficient in organization, photography, layout, design, interviewing, writing, editing, reporting, proofreading, business management, and marketing. Students will learn and use Josten’s Yearbook Avenue computer program in creating the yearbook and additional software to produce the school newspaper. This course will emphasize the concept of the yearbook and newspaper as journalistic products, reference tools, and permanent records of the school year. Students’ graded assignments will require them to attend activities outside of the school day (such as sporting events) for which students must provide their own transportation. ​The ability to meet deadlines will play a major factor in a students’ grade.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have the following:
● Completed Application.
● Teacher recommendation from his/her English teacher.
       FEA Internship 0099 11-12 2 0.5
        NOTE: This class is offered every other year, offered in only in even years (2018-19, 2020-21, etc.).
This internship course is available for juniors and seniors interested in a career in education. Students will be partnered with teachers in various Plum Borough schools to gain first-hand experience in a classroom setting. Students enrolled in this elective will be responsible for the completion of various tasks and responsibilities associated with planning and preparation, instruction and learning, and other professional responsibilities within the teaching profession. The requirements and program criteria will be jointly developed by the HS course facilitator and cooperating teachers. This class is graded as pass/fail and is scheduled during 12th period to allow travel to the placement schools.Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation. Site visits will take place 2-3 times/week and will rotate to multiple sites.
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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