Page 32 - WBG August 2024
P. 32

FEATURE  These are big-time scams, backed by big-time operations.   Job  seekers  are  offered  competitive  salaries,  lucrative
                They run like them too.  They have dev and design teams that
                                                                   benefits, paid travel expenses as well as room and board.
                create legit-looking finance apps. They have even further
                                                                   Often throughout the process, the location for the position
                                                                   is shifted from the advertised location. Upon job seekers’
                trappings of a large, legitimate company, including support,
                                                                   arrival in the foreign country, criminal actors use multiple
                customer service, accounting, and the like to manage
                transactions. Then they have their front-line operatives, the
                                                                   means to coerce them to commit cryptocurrency investment
                                                                   schemes,  such  as  confiscation  of  passports  and  travel
                people doing the texting and messaging.
                                                                   documents, threat of violence, and use of violence.  The
                However, many of these front-line scammers do it against
                their  will.  An  even  darker  aspect  of  pig  butchering  scams
                reveals itself when you discover who does the actual dirty   cruel fact of pig butchering scams is this: victims victimize
                work. As reported by the FBI, these front-line scammers are   Meanwhile, organized crime operations get rich. One piece
                often human trafficking victims:                   of academic research traced $75.3 billion to one suspected
                                                                   pig butchering network alone between 2020 and 2024 .v
                Criminal actors target victims, primarily in Asia, in
                employment  fraud  schemes  by  posting  false  job   In the U.S., the FBI points to $2.57 billion in cryptocurrency
                advertisements on social media and online employment   and pig butchering fraud reports in As always with
                sites. The schemes cover a wide range of opportunities,   such figures, many losses go unreported. That figure climbs
                to include tech support, call center customer service, and   much  higher.  Yet  higher  still  when  it  accounts  for  victims
                beauty salon technicians.                          worldwide.

          Source: Mcafee

                                                           WAD Mid-Term 2025

                                                           April 30 – May 4, 2025

                                                           Hotel Tivoli Avenida Liberdade Lisboa

     30        W.A.D Beyond Global
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