Page 14 - WAD-Beyond-Global-September-2018
P. 14


        THURSDAY, SEPT. 27
        1400 to 1630   Executive Committee and Officers Meeting
        1700 to 1900   Registration

        FRIDAY, SEPT. 28
        0930 to 1030    Board of Directors Meeting
        1030 to 1050    Board Coffee Break
        1050 to 1200    Board of Directors Meeting
        1200 to 1300    Working Board Lunch
        1300 to 1600    Board of Directors Meeting
        1630 to 1800    Registration
        1800 to 1930    Welcome Reception

        SATURDAY, SEPT. 29
        0800 to 0930    Registration
        0930 to 0950    Opening Ceremony – Las Vegas Metro Police Honor Guard
        0950 to 1045    General Business Session
        1045 to 1105    Coffee Break
        1105 to 1200    General Business Session
        1200 to 1330    Lunch on Own
        1330 to 1430    General Business Session
        1440 to 1500   Coffee Break
        1500 to 1600        Seminar 1   : Terrorism and Drugs, the Money. How We Fight Back
                       Speaker   : David Tinsley
                                   Chief Executive Officer -  5 Stones Intelligence, Miami, USA
        1600 to 1615   Break
        1615 to 1715   Workshop  : Birth of the Whistle Blower
                       Facilitator  : David Tinsley
                                   Chief Executive Officer -  5 Stones Intelligence, Miami, USA
        1900 to 2200    Cocktail Party – Celebrity Cars Event Center
                       Buses depart at 1830.  Arrive back at hotel at 2230.

        SUNDAY, SEPT. 30
        0930 to 1100    General Session and Elections
        1100 to 1330    Past President’s Brunch
                       Guest Speaker : Lt. Randy Sutton (ret.)
                                                Las Vegas Metro Police Department
        1400 to 1500    Seminar 2   : A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Plan
                       Speaker     : Michael Julian
                                     President - MPS Security & Protection
        1500 to 1520   Coffee Break
        1520 to 1620   Seminar 3    : The Woodchipper Fatality Investigation
                       Speaker     : Dean Beers -  Associates in Forensic Investigations LLC,

        MONDAY, OCT. 1
        0930 to 1030    Seminar 4   : G.D.P.R. Updates, Compliance, and Exclusive Insight From the I.C.O.
                       Speaker     : Roger Bescoby
                                     Director of Compliance & Development - Conflict International, London, UK
        1030 to 1050    Coffee Break
        1050 to 1150    Seminar 5   : G.D.P.R. How it Affects the U.S. – A Review of G.D.P.R. Outside
                                     of Europe and U.S. Privacy Shield Framework
                       Speaker     : Wes Beardon
                                     Attorney & Chief Executive Officer - Bearden Investigative Agency, Inc., Dallas, USA
        1150 to 1315              Lunch on Own
        1330 to 1530    New Board of Directors Meeting
        1800 to 1900    Cocktail Reception
        1900 to 2200    Gala Banquet and Awards
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